What documents are needed to register a child in a private garden

What documents are needed to register a child in a private garden
What documents are needed to register a child in a private garden

Video: 18-5-2019 2024, July

Video: 18-5-2019 2024, July

In order to arrange a child in a private kindergarten, it is necessary to prepare certain documents. You should also go through a medical commission in advance. For more information on the list of necessary documents, contact the staff of the institution.

Instruction manual


If you want to place your child in a private kindergarten, take care of collecting all the necessary documents in advance. Call the selected preschool institution and specify what it is necessary to have with you to conclude the contract. In different kindergartens, the requirements may differ from each other.


Be sure to find out from the employee of the preschool institution the procedure for passing the medical commission. As a rule, a medical card with marks on the passage of examination from all the necessary specialists should be provided to the kindergarten management even before the conclusion of the contract. To obtain a medical card, contact your local pediatrician. The doctor will give you directions for passing narrow specialists and for taking tests.


After passing the medical commission and receiving a card with a note stating that your child can attend kindergarten, provide it to employees of the private preschool institution to which you plan to send the child. To complete all the necessary documents you will also need a baby's birth certificate, your passport.


If you are standing in a citywide queue for a place in a municipal kindergarten, take a printout with you from your electronic page, located on the website of the Committee for Preschool Education. It should indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the child, date of birth, as well as the individual number that was assigned to him when registering. This information may be needed by the employees of the kindergarten if it further provides for the provision of places on a non-commercial basis.


Carefully study the contract with the kindergarten management before signing it. It should spell out the list of services provided by this organization, as well as the amount of monthly payment. Enter in the appendix to the contract the names, surnames, patronymics, as well as passport data of those people who can pick up the child from kindergarten.


Some private preschool institutions do not require a medical commission. The leadership of such kindergartens concludes agreements with medical organizations whose employees conduct examinations of children entering training.

Useful advice

Before enrolling a child in a particular kindergarten, carefully study the feedback of parents who already take their children to this institution. They can be found on city forums. Be sure to visit the kindergarten yourself, get acquainted with the head, ask to show you the group. All this will help you dispel all your doubts and make the right choice.