How to remember a hiragana

How to remember a hiragana
How to remember a hiragana

Video: The Easiest Way To Learn Hiragana 2024, July

Video: The Easiest Way To Learn Hiragana 2024, July

Hiragana is a Japanese syllabic alphabet used along with hieroglyphs to write down some words and case endings. Without her knowledge, it is impossible to read texts in Japanese, therefore, even at the beginning of language courses, it is necessary to learn it.

You will need

- cards made of paper or cardboard.

Instruction manual


Find the complete table of hiragana with reading its signs in Russian or English transcription. Such information is usually given in the initial lessons in Japanese language textbooks.


Try to write the characters found. Start with the first row of the ABC - the five vowels. When writing, follow the correct trait order, this is important in Japanese. After this, for training, write each letter thirty to fifty times, for mechanical memorization.


Make cards to stimulate your visual memory. There should be forty-seven in the number of alphabet characters. On the front side, draw the hiragana sign, and on the back - transliterate it. Have yourself checked regularly for reading rules. This method is also convenient in that you can repeat the alphabet anywhere, for example, in public transport.


Try to read more Japanese Hiragana texts. For example, it can be special exercises given in textbooks. Traditional Japanese texts are written with a large number of characters, but for children there are also various adapted texts, written entirely in alphabet. Even if you cannot correctly translate the text, your reading speed will increase.


On self-adhesive stickers, write the names of commonly used household items in Japanese Hiragana. Provide inscriptions with Russian transcription. Stick the stickers on the objects themselves, for example, on furniture, household appliances. Thus, you can not only repeat the alphabet, but also learn and memorize new Japanese words.


If you already know the second Japanese alphabet - katakana - use it to memorize hiragana. Find commonalities between signs denoting equally sounding syllables. Thus, you can build a convenient associative series for memorizing the rules for reading the alphabet.

hiragana alphabet