How to fill out a certification sheet

How to fill out a certification sheet
How to fill out a certification sheet

Video: How to fill out the Contractor Application 2024, July

Video: How to fill out the Contractor Application 2024, July

The results of employee certification in an enterprise should be recorded in a document called a certification sheet. In addition to brief information about the certified employee, it contains the result of certification - what questions were asked to the employee, what answers were provided by the employee, and what decision was made by the commission. Despite the fact that a single sample of the certification sheet does not exist, and its content depends on the objectives of the certification, this document must be completed by a specialist in the personnel department, competently and carefully.

You will need

  • - form of the certification sheet;

  • - a pen;

  • - stamp of the organization.

Instruction manual


Prepare the appropriate form. Fill in the personal data of the certified employee and educational information.


If the form of the form provides, on the basis of data from the work book, enter information on work experience in the sheet. Indicate the data on the position, specialty and qualification at the time of certification.


After the certification, fill in the part of the form that relates directly to the certification. In hard copy, indicate the questions asked to the certified employee by an authorized member of the commission and the answers to them recorded during the certification.


Enter the results of certification - the decision of the commission and recommendations, as a rule, formulated by the commission on the basis of voting in the absence of the attestation.


Assure the document with the necessary signatures and stamp. The signatures of the commission members present at the meeting and participating in the voting, the signature of the personnel department specialist and the seal of the institution must be recorded on the document in the place provided for by the form.


Familiarize the certified employee with the certification results. The employee certifies the consent with the data indicated on the form by painting in the corresponding column. In case of refusal of an employee to familiarize themselves with this document, draw up an act in which the fact of refusal to familiarize themselves is certified by several members of the commission and the employee himself.


Preliminarily familiarize yourself with the regulation on certification of employees in force at this enterprise, since this document must prescribe mandatory rules and the procedure for issuing a certification sheet.

Useful advice

Give the certified employee and his manager the opportunity to carefully read the data entered on the certification sheet, as they are personally responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the document.