How to learn punctuation rules

How to learn punctuation rules
How to learn punctuation rules

Video: PUNCTUATION MASTERCLASS - Learn Punctuation Easily in 30 Minutes - Comma, Semicolon, Period, Etc. 2024, July

Video: PUNCTUATION MASTERCLASS - Learn Punctuation Easily in 30 Minutes - Comma, Semicolon, Period, Etc. 2024, July

The trend of writing in the 2000s is the neglect of the rules of the Russian language. Moreover, calligraphy is neglected not by those who deliberately use erratives like "preved" or "author jjot", but by ordinary users. And if spelling mistakes still catch the eye of even not very literate people, then with commas, dashes, quotation marks, and other punctuation marks and their combinations, it’s just a disaster.

You will need

  • The desire to become more literate

  • Perseverance

Instruction manual


Punctuation in writing is the same as intonation in spoken language. Often, without the proper placement of commas, not to mention the dash or quotation marks, you cannot understand how to read a sentence. Classic case:

• Execution cannot be pardoned.

The fate of the alleged offender depends on the setting of a comma, but there are more difficult circumstances:

• Today they speak not so well. (A reading option that changes the meaning of describing the speech skills of contemporaries to complain about the situation: Today, they say, it is not so good.)

• Vasily your nephew Vasily completely lost his hand! (Here, approximately the same meaning will be preserved at any reading, but sometimes accents are important. Compare: Vasily, your nephew Vasily completely lost his hand! And Vasily, your nephew, Vasily completely lost his hands! Or Vasily, your nephew - Vasily - completely lost by hand!)

But even if you use the simplest sentences when writing and you don’t care about the intonation nuances, the correct placement of punctuation marks will be a sign of good manners and your respect for the language and the person you are talking to.


For the quickest memorization of the rules of Russian punctuation, one should turn to reference books, for example, on the Gramota portal, but cramming alone will not be enough. To consolidate skills, it is necessary to write dictations or at least rewrite (retype) fragments of works first with simple (Chekhov, Averchenko), and then with complex punctuation (Belinsky, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy). This is useful for both schoolchildren and adults. The second will be even easier, since no one will put the deuces on, and you will be the one to “examine” yourself.


In order to develop a constant “sense of comma”, give yourself the word that from this moment always, even in the comments of social networks or on forums, when communicating with friends and strangers, in replicas and voluminous texts you will always put punctuation marks right. At first, you can make yourself a concession and, in difficult cases, change the structure of the proposal.


Spaces are also considered punctuation marks. For ordinary cases, there are only two rules regarding them:

- spaces should not be double

- spaces are never preceded by a period, semicolon, semicolon, exclamation and question marks, ellipsis, after opening and before closing brackets and quotation marks

Useful advice

Not the worst sin for the average user is the use of a standard hyphen (dash) instead of a dash. But it will be much better if you accustom yourself to type dashes as two dashes in a row (-) and set their auto-replace in your favorite text editor to the correct dash (-) in the Russian layout.

  • "". Punctuation Reference
  • Russian language rules in original examples
  • Grammar List: Punctuation Issues
  • interactive dictations
  • Dashes: is there only a dash, a minus and a hyphen?
  • Combinations of multiple punctuation marks