How to learn irregular English verbs

How to learn irregular English verbs
How to learn irregular English verbs

Video: The best Way to learn Irregular Verbs 2024, July

Video: The best Way to learn Irregular Verbs 2024, July

Everyone who studies English, sooner or later will be faced with the need to memorize irregular verbs. Of course, at first you can fool around a little - write out the words that are formed by the rules and write on a piece of paper, write a cheat sheet in the palm of your hand. But in the end, they will still have to be learned in order to be able to quickly and competently communicate with the interlocutor in English.

You will need

  • - printed tables of irregular verbs;

  • - voice recorder and player;

  • - cards with irregular verbs.

Instruction manual


According to the rules of the English language, the second and third form of verbs is formed by adding –ed to the infinitive. This is nothing complicated. However, there is a group of irregular verbs (there are about 270 in total) that do not obey the rule. Their second and third form must be remembered.


Print a table of irregular verbs and hang them around the apartment: above the dining table, on the wall above the computer. May you always have such a table with you. You go to study in a trolley bus, stand in a huge line - get a printout and start repeating.


Read irregular verb forms out loud. Five, ten, fifteen times - until you remember. Read the wrong verbs on the recorder, download the recording to the player and listen to it regularly.


Make cards with irregular verbs. On the one side write the verb in the first form, on the other - its second and third forms. Pull out the cards and, looking at the first form, decline the irregular verb. Such useful pastimes can be done with classmates or classmates who are also poring over the study of irregular verbs.


Usually memorizing poetry is much easier than learning a passage from prose. Therefore, in order to quickly remember irregular verbs, compose a poem about them. Perhaps your teacher himself will tell you the rhymed lines. For example, it can be such verses: I’m in a buy-bought-bought buffet (first-class) A first-class sandwich, For it I’ll pay-paid-paid, (pay) In a classroom at my desk lay-laid-laid (to put) And not at all think-thought-thought, (to think) That his neighbor will die. And now I am very sad - Smell-smelt-smelt it is very tasty! (smell).You can make a funny work with your friends or yourself, which will amuse you and help you learn irresistible irregular verbs.

irregular verb cards