How to memorize a poem

How to memorize a poem
How to memorize a poem

Video: 5 Ways to Memorize a Poem 2024, July

Video: 5 Ways to Memorize a Poem 2024, July

In childhood, almost everyone was forced to memorize poems. The resumption of this practice is a good training for the brain, because voluntary memorization of any text stimulates memory as well as possible.

You will need

  • - a book of poems;

  • - a piece of paper;

  • - Dictaphone;

  • - a pen.

Instruction manual


Scientists have proven that in reality two-thirds of schoolchildren learn poetry incorrectly. Mechanical cramming only interferes with the process of memorizing a poem. In order for the lines to fit in your head in the best way, you need to follow a few simple principles.


First of all, you should carefully read the entire poem from beginning to end. Reading, you should try to imagine the picture described by the author in as much detail as possible. This action will activate associative memory. If unfamiliar words are found in the poem, you need to finally clarify their meaning with the help of the dictionary.


Then you need to mentally read the first line and orally reproduce it, without looking at the book. Then you should read the second line, and then try to memorize both of them. In exactly the same way, the third line should be “tied” to the first two. Thanks to this technique, you can memorize the entire poem by heart.


You should rewrite the poem from the book on paper. During the rewriting, you need to pronounce the lines out loud. Due to the activation of visual memory, the learning process will go several times faster. You can also try to record the text on the recorder - this stimulates other types of mnemonic activity.


To improve memory, you should slightly change your diet. Eating walnuts, lentils, fish, sesame seeds will make it possible to better remember the lines read.


Before going to bed, it is better to repeat the poem as a keepsake again. Over night, a rethinking of what is read will be carried out - and as a result, the text will "decompose" in the head into the necessary shelves.


And, most importantly, you should not memorize a poem at the very last moment. Ideally, this process should take at least a few days - this will allow you to better "put in your head" what you read.


You can try to find an audio version of the poem. Listening to her before going to bed will enable the activation of audio memory.

Useful advice

Memory works best in the morning — it is at this time of day that it is best to memorize poetry.

How to easily and quickly memorize a poem