How to learn a world map

How to learn a world map
How to learn a world map

Video: World Map: Understand & Learn Basics of World Map (विश्व का मानचित्र) - Chapter 1 2024, July

Video: World Map: Understand & Learn Basics of World Map (विश्व का मानचित्र) - Chapter 1 2024, July

The map is a great help for studying geography and some other disciplines. She always helps out on the exam, because the use of cards is not forbidden. But in order for the card to help in a difficult situation, it is necessary to learn how to read it, and also to remember the main thing that is indicated on it.

You will need

  • - large-scale map of the world;

  • - hemisphere map;

  • - contour maps;

  • - a pencil;

  • - pointer.

Instruction manual


Set aside electronic cards for a while. Using them you can very quickly determine the coordinates of the terrain or calculate the distance between settlements. On them you can find even a very small village. But it’s easier to remember the location of objects on a regular paper geographic map. Start with a hemisphere map.


Look at both hemispheres and read which one is western and which is eastern. Read the names of the continents and remember them. Learn to determine the cardinal points. On all paper maps, north is at the top, south at the bottom, and west and east, respectively, left and right. Remember the main horizontal lines - the equator and both poles. Find where the Greenwich Meridian is located. Learning which continents and oceans each of these lines intersects. Find the equator, Greenwich meridian and pole lines on the outline map.


View the world map. Find on it the main lines that you have already seen on the hemisphere map. Identify the cardinal points. Remember what each mainland looks like. Use visual memory and associations. What does Africa or America look like? What is the difference from the rest of Eurasia, Australia, Antarctica? Where are they in relation to each other? Find the continents on the outline map. Label them and compare with the printing card.


Find your country on the political map of the world. It is most convenient to start with it, since you know the capital, its approximate position on the mainland, and the states with which it borders. Find these states and remember their position in relation to your country. Learn the names of capitals and other major cities. What water bodies are they next to?


Compare the political map of the world with the physical. Learn the conventions. What important geographical features are located in your country and neighboring countries? Define the position of the main cities in relation to these objects.


Find the extreme points on each continent and learn them. Show the biggest country. Determine its coordinates. Find its approximate position on the physical map and identify the most important geographical objects. Show the neighboring countries, the largest rivers, the main mountain peaks in their territory and the main cities. Pay attention to the borders between states. What objects do they go through?


Take any book about a trip around the world. Show the route along which the expedition was moving. Find the main points on the world map. Perform this task several times and find the expedition route on the outline map.

Useful advice

Check yourself on an electronic card. Type in the name of the mainland in the search engine, then find the necessary points on it and look at their coordinates.

Use different types of memory. Show on the map the direction of the river, the shoreline, the location of the city or the peak. Name the objects.