How to learn a foreign language quickly

How to learn a foreign language quickly
How to learn a foreign language quickly

Video: How to learn any language easily | Matthew Youlden | TEDxClapham 2024, July

Video: How to learn any language easily | Matthew Youlden | TEDxClapham 2024, July

Knowledge of a foreign language today is becoming not just necessary, but vital. The Internet, travel, immigration, work abroad require a person to own at least one of the most common languages, primarily English. Most studied a foreign language at school and college, but few can safely say that he speaks it fluently. If you want to fulfill your dream of speaking in a foreign language, then instead of excuses, start learning it.

You will need

Training course, dictionary, internet, computer, pen and paper.

Instruction manual


For successful mastery of any language, you must have strong motivation. Without it, as a rule, you cannot learn a language. It also plays a big role if you have to choose which language to learn at a given time. Therefore, always choose the one you need right now.


To learn it quickly, you need to once and for all get rid of the belief that an adult can not do it. Very often it is such an incorrect installation that nullifies all his efforts to master. If you constantly think that it is too difficult and impossible, then it will be so.


It is also important to choose a training course that will be fun and not cause great difficulties. Focus on what type of memory you have developed best: written, visual, auditory or speech. The best option would be to engage all types. You can learn a foreign language using the Internet, tutorials, courses or television programs.


Having started the study, do not try to study for several hours a day. The desired result in mastering the language can be achieved only due to regularity, and not due to the amount of time spent. Even by repeating the learned material per day for 10 minutes, you will achieve more than with 2 hours of training 3 times a week.


In order to learn a foreign language it is very important to immerse yourself in the culture of the country where they speak it. Think about the images and associations that arise when mentioning a foreign language that you want to know. This will help to immediately recall all the structures on which the language is built, and which you managed to learn by this time. In the future, this will immediately allow you to readjust for communication on it.


Having studied the main structures on which the foreign language is built, learn to add not just new words to the speech, but whole turns. Young children learn their native language in this way, trying to repeat not only the words they hear, but also whole phrases.


To quickly remember foreign words, get acquainted with the history of their occurrence. For example, the days of the week in English are associated with the names of the gods. Saturday is the day of Saturn - Saturday, Sunday - the day of the sun - Sunday, Monday - the day of the moon - Monday, Friday - the day of the goddess Freya - Friday, the definite article "the" is an abbreviated form from the pronoun "this", why it is used when the subject being spoken of is known, and the indefinite article "a" is an abbreviated form from the word one "one", and means simply one subject. In any language, there are stories associated with the emergence of words. The more you know such interesting stories about a foreign language, the faster you get used to the rules for constructing phrases in it and unfamiliar words.


Watch movies in the language you are learning. Today it’s not difficult to find a foreign film in the original language using the Internet and acquiring licensed discs. Choose movies that you like and that you won’t get tired of watching several times. First, watch the film in Russian, and only then in the original language, so that it is easier to understand and remember what they are talking about. It is better not to watch movies with subtitles, as they distract attention from speech, which prevents the desired learning effect from being achieved.


You cannot learn a foreign language using hypnosis or listening to discs in a dream. Therefore, it is better to choose a course in which a foreign language is taught through reading, writing, video and audio discs, and communication.

Useful advice

For better learning, you should not immediately learn several languages ​​at once. Having learned one foreign language to the level you need, you can study another, completely immersed in it. Otherwise, you can easily get confused or abandon the study of both languages, charter and not noticing the results.

how to learn a foreign language quickly