How to learn an exam in a night

How to learn an exam in a night
How to learn an exam in a night

Video: How To Study The Night Before An Exam (NO BS) 2024, July

Video: How To Study The Night Before An Exam (NO BS) 2024, July

What to do when only the night is left before the exam? Is it worth it to start writing cheat sheets, or do you need to tackle cramming? Do I need to call a "freebie" and sleep on the textbook? Look for answers to these questions below.

You will need

  • coffee;

  • sleepless night;

  • energy drinks;

  • the Internet;

  • good memory;

  • cheat sheets

  • textbooks.

Instruction manual


Get ready to stay awake. It sounds corny, however, in order to learn the exam overnight, you need to make every effort not to fall asleep during preparation. Stock up coffee for vigor, as well as chocolate for better brain function. You can eat fish at night, which is also indicated to improve brain activity, but it happens that after a hearty meal you want to sleep. And this is out of the question for your mission.

For those people whose coffee is not very invigorating, energy drinks are suitable. In everyday life, most of them are harmful to use, but in our case, you can remove the ban on consumption. But just for one night!


Take advantage of the world wide web. Reading a textbook in such a situation is an impermissible luxury. Enter questions into search resources and try to make a brief summary of each question in your notebook. After you have compiled the cherished notes, read them thoughtfully again.


Proceed to compiling cheat sheets. Of course, you should not hope that you simply write off everything from cheat sheets. You need them for self-confidence. You should not write cheat sheets on all issues, only on those that cause you difficulty. Write briefly, only the most basic formulas, definitions, concepts.

After you have prepared the cheat sheets, you should also read them carefully.


Take breaks in preparation. Spare your mental health and do not surf the Internet and over cribs without rest. Do small physical exercises every 15-20 minutes. Thus, you will give rest to an overloaded brain.


Sleep for a few hours. Do not torment yourself with a completely sleepless night. To remember the material, you need to sleep at least 2-3 hours. After you sleep, the information in your head will settle down. So do not, waking up, begin to re-read the abstracts.

As for the call of "freebie" and other student traditions, then for your own comfort you can shout in the window, put the "nickle" under the heel. However, if you are skeptical of these signs, then do not bother yourself, for you they will not "work".


You should not be disturbed by any phone calls, social networks on the Internet or loud music. It will be ideal if you turn it off.

Useful advice

Try to create the most working environment and tune in well that there will be a lot of work.

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How to learn an exam in a night