What do rectangular triangles look like?

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What do rectangular triangles look like?
What do rectangular triangles look like?

Video: Math Antics - Triangles 2024, July

Video: Math Antics - Triangles 2024, July

A triangle is one of the most common geometric shapes, which has a large number of varieties. One of them is a right triangle. How is he different from other similar figures?

An ordinary triangle is a geometric figure that belongs to the category of polygons. Moreover, it has a number of characteristic features that distinguish it from other types of polygons, for example, parallelepipeds, pyramids and others.

Geometric features of a triangle.

Firstly, as its name implies, it has three angles, which can have any value greater than 0 and less than 180 degrees. Secondly, this figure has three vertices, each of which is simultaneously the vertex of one of these three angles. Thirdly, this figure has three sides that connect the mentioned vertices. Thus, the vertices, sides and angles are the key elements of each triangle, which determine its geometric properties. In addition, since these elements are so important for understanding its properties, it is customary to give them designations that make it possible to uniquely identify each of the elements. Thus, the vertices of a triangle are usually denoted by capital Latin letters, for example, A, B and C. Similar notations have the angles of the triangle lying at these vertices. These designations, in turn, determine the designations of other elements: for example, the side of a triangle lying between two vertices is indicated by a combination of the designations of these vertices. For example, the side lying between the vertices A and B is denoted by AB.