How to highlight spelling

How to highlight spelling
How to highlight spelling

Video: Word 2016: Check Spelling and Grammar 2024, July

Video: Word 2016: Check Spelling and Grammar 2024, July

Without knowledge of the Russian language, knowledge of literacy skills in modern society can not do. Therefore, many young people seeking a good career dream of not making mistakes in writing. If you learn to see spelling in words, you can achieve this.

Instruction manual


The difficulties in learning the Russian language are largely due to the fact that the spelling in it does not correspond to pronunciation. You must understand that the spelling in a word can be a letter, a hyphen, or a space. These are the spellings that need to be checked by applying this or that rule.


There are a lot of spelling patterns to be able to check. During a high school course, children learn about seventy spelling patterns. The most common in a letter is the spelling of a verified unstressed vowel at the root of the word.


Writing an unstressed vowel, i.e. being in a weak position, almost always does not correspond to pronunciation, and it needs to be checked. This can be done by changing the shape of the word or by choosing a related one so that it is stressed.


To indicate such a spelling, you need to highlight the root, put emphasis (show the weak position of the sound), emphasize the letter that you are checking.


Often mistakes are made in the spelling of "n" and "nn" in the suffixes of participles and adjectives. In order to highlight this spelling, you need to graphically explain your choice. This can be done, for example, by showing with the help of an auxiliary question the presence of a dependent word or prefix, except for "not." You can indicate from which type of verb the participle is formed. Remember to note if the word is an exception.


If you need to highlight the spelling in writing the personal ending of the verb, select this ending and indicate the conjugation.


A spelling may also be a hyphen. For example, an explanation of its spelling in indefinite pronouns and adverbs is required. In this case, you need to highlight the part of the word whose presence requires a hyphen. For example, in the pronoun "some" it is necessary to highlight the prefix "something", and in the adverb "somewhere" - the suffix "that".


If the spelling is a space, underline the spelling and indicate part of the speech. For example, separately it is necessary to write prepositions with other parts of speech.