How to choose a faculty at a university

How to choose a faculty at a university
How to choose a faculty at a university

Video: How to choose what to study at university! (5 STEPS) 2024, July

Video: How to choose what to study at university! (5 STEPS) 2024, July

The choice of a faculty at a university is not an easy task, since the future profession depends on it. It is important to dwell on the profile that suits you the most, so that training takes place as efficiently as possible.

Instruction manual


Choose a faculty at the university in advance, it is better at the end of 10 - beginning of grade 11. Currently, for admission to most universities, you need to pass the Unified State Exam. On the sites of institutions you can find information on what subjects you need to take exams for admission to a particular faculty. And during the 11th grade, schools and universities open recruitment for courses for the exam. That is why, choosing a suitable profile in advance, you can easily prepare for exams and go where you want.


Decide which field of activity attracts you the most. If you cannot independently answer this question, then various tests for determining the profession that can be found on the Internet can help. Be sure to consult with parents and teachers, since older people are most often aware of how things are with employment in the city and region, what professions are most valued, etc.


Read carefully the information on the university website you wish to enroll in. Here you can always find comprehensive information about each of the faculties, get acquainted with the requirements for admission, the curriculum, ongoing events, student and graduate reviews, etc.


Remember that when choosing a profile for training, it is necessary to put personal preferences in the first place, and only then the popularity of the profession and its relevance in the labor market. Studying at a university takes 4-5 years, during which the situation regarding the relevance of professions can radically change. You need to choose the profile that you like the most and in which you are well versed, will be able to master the proposed higher education program. Only in this case can you become a true specialist in your field.