How to behave in a fight at school

How to behave in a fight at school
How to behave in a fight at school

Video: Who We Are - How To Behave At School (4B) 2024, July

Video: Who We Are - How To Behave At School (4B) 2024, July

For teens, verbal clarification of relationships and gaining leadership is far from always possible. That is why school fights are most often inevitable. However, most boys need to go through this stage. The main thing is to behave correctly in a fight in order to prevent serious injuries.

You will need

- knowledge of painful techniques.

Instruction manual


Try to prevent a fight, if possible. Do not start it yourself for nothing, otherwise your opponents will understand that it is easy to provoke you. Stay with dignity, distinguish humiliation from stupid jokes. If we are talking about a real serious conflict, understand your words to the limit, trying to be taller and smarter than your rivals.


In a school fight, count not on the force of the blow, but on the technique. To do this, in your spare time, master a few painful tricks, or visit the martial arts section. First of all, try to repel the blow. Give a tough rebuff to offenders, demonstrating your strength. If there is an opportunity to end the fight on this, do it and leave. Keep yourself in control and do not give vent to rage.


If you are dealing with inappropriate offenders, try to behave the same way. Show the appearance of aggression, play a little, try to scare opponents. The reputation of a mentally unstable person can cool their ardor.


If there is a threat to your life, try to run away. Unfortunately, the excessive cruelty of adolescents, leading to tragic consequences, today also takes place. Try to gauge how big the threat is. If there are many more opponents and they are armed (with a knife, a bat, heavy objects), do not heroize. The subsequent taunts for your weakness can be overcome, and serious injuries can ruin your whole life.

Useful advice

There are a number of situations where you must start a fight yourself. For example, if schoolchildren offend a girl: in most cases you will be right if you intercede for her, even if using such a radical method.