How to train mindfulness

How to train mindfulness
How to train mindfulness

Video: Mindfulness - How To Actually Practice Mindfulness & Conquer Your Emotions 2024, July

Video: Mindfulness - How To Actually Practice Mindfulness & Conquer Your Emotions 2024, July

Mindfulness is a quality that characterizes a person’s ability to focus without being distracted by something specific, whether it be work, a work of art, discussion, etc. It is easy to understand that such a person has significant advantages, because he, as a rule, is easily drawn into the work, often notices details and trifles that have escaped the gaze of others. How to train observation?

Instruction manual


First of all, try to understand under what conditions you are attentive, and under which, accordingly, you lose it? That is, which factors can help you increase concentration, and which, on the contrary, can interfere. After all, all people are different. The soft melodious music helps one to concentrate, the other is distracted even by the quietest extraneous sound.


Do not try to “embrace the immense”, that is, to do several things at once! The frantic rhythm of modern life sometimes makes a person do this. As a result, he cannot really focus on any business. His tired brain is not able to process too much information. What kind of attentiveness can we talk about here? Therefore, make it a rule: focus on only one thing! And try to think only of him, not being distracted by anything.


Are you an owl or an early bird? If you have the highest performance in the morning, try to do the most important things that require maximum attention and concentration, just at this time. If you can calmly stay up well after midnight, accordingly, it is better to transfer such classes to the evening hours.


Do not forget about auto-suggestion. There are many fairly effective techniques to help you learn to increase concentration and attention. First of all, by maximum calm, relaxation, as a result of which all extraneous thoughts that prevent you from concentrating will leave your head. And you can calmly think about how best to complete the task.


You can improve mindfulness by making detailed plans. Many people are annoyed by pedants, each step of which is literally painted. Nevertheless, thinking over and recording the plan for the next day, several days, etc. can very effectively help you in training this quality. Especially if you try to adhere to it steadily.


Try to train your memory. A good memory also promotes mindfulness. After all, then you do not have to strain long and painfully, trying to remember some necessary information. Therefore, this will not distract your attention from the work that you are currently doing.

mindfulness training