How to create an educational program

How to create an educational program
How to create an educational program

Video: How to make a Khan Academy style educational video 2024, July

Video: How to make a Khan Academy style educational video 2024, July

A well-designed educational program that promotes the full development of children is an important aspect when choosing a school for their child by the parents. Therefore, it must take into account all modern innovations, but also adhere to the educational standard.

Instruction manual


The main condition that you must adhere to when compiling the program is its compliance with the federal state educational standard. Nevertheless, a competent and wise head of an educational institution understands that with the correct use of the regional component, it will be possible to create their own direction in the educational process. It will be possible to offer educational services that are in demand among parents.


The educational program should be relevant, contain a focus on development. For example, the study of exact disciplines and economics is currently relevant. Plan an in-depth study of these subjects through a regional component.


You must remember that the volume of the components of the main educational program must be in accordance with the standards established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In other words, the basis of the educational program of the educational institution is the federal state educational standard, and the list and number of regional components is included in it, depending on the main areas implemented in the school.


If the school implements a moral and patriotic direction, then you need to plan more hours for the study of history, social studies, etc. Organize the school museum of Battle Glory. Nevertheless, observe the necessary standards:

- 80% - an obligatory part of the main educational program, in accordance with the standard;

- 20% - is formed directly in the educational institution by participants in the educational process.

These requirements are contained in paragraph 15 of GEF NOU.


In the case of the development of a moral and patriotic direction, it is necessary to think over work with the Council of Veterans, participants in the Great Patriotic War, veterans of local wars and reflect it in the school curriculum. For example, you can plan to conduct communal fees at the school.


Display in the program work at different levels: primary, secondary and senior level.


Think over all the details, because only if you are systematic in work can you hope for good results.


An educational institution will be popular among parents and children if innovative activities are laid in the foundation of the educational program. Therefore, try to introduce innovations to enhance the learning activities of students.


All sections of the program should be logically and consistently designed.