How to make a preparation plan for the exam in Russian

How to make a preparation plan for the exam in Russian
How to make a preparation plan for the exam in Russian

Video: How I passed my B1 Russian exams (online) 2024, July

Video: How I passed my B1 Russian exams (online) 2024, July

Everyone who graduates from school, as well as those who plan to enter a university in which it is required to present an exam in Russian, must pass a unified state exam in the Russian language. Successful passing the exam requires careful preparation: both theoretical and practical. And high-quality preparation is impossible without a competently drawn up plan.

Instruction manual


Repeat the main sections of the Russian language that are studied at school and verified by the USE codifier: orthoepy, vocabulary and phraseology, morphemic and word formation, morphology, syntax, spelling, punctuation, and pronunciation. Include all of these sections in the preparation plan, giving each of them a specific time.



This section of the exam tests the ability to correctly put emphasis in words.

Key concepts:

- the diversity of stress;

- stress mobility;

- the meaningful role of stress.


Vocabulary and phraseology

To complete the tasks in this section, it is important to distinguish between:

- unambiguous and ambiguous words;

- synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, paronyms;

- historicisms, archaisms, neologisms;

- vernacular, dialectal words, book vocabulary;

- direct and figurative meaning of words;

- trails, phraseological units.


Morphemic and word formation

These test and measurement materials test how well you can analyze the morphemic structure of a word. It's important to know:

- the concept of morpheme;

- The main morphemes of words, their role;

- a system of word-forming morphemes;

- ways of forming words.



Morphology is a branch of linguistics that studies words as part of speech. To complete the exam tasks from the section "Morphology", you need to understand:

- parts of speech;

- the grammatical meaning of the parts of speech;

- morphological features of parts of speech;

- syntactic features of parts of speech;

- functions of parts of speech.



Syntax examines collocations and sentences. Need to know:

- ways of linking words in phrases: coordination, management, adjacency;

- structure of offers of different types.



Spelling is the most important section of the Russian language, dealing with spelling of words. You must be able to write correctly:

- vowels in the root;

- consoles;

- verbs and participles;

- adjective suffixes;

- “n” and “nn” in words;

- particles "not" and "neither".



Punctuation tests the ability to correctly place punctuation marks. Learn the rules for placing commas, colons, dashes, etc., based on existing knowledge about the structure of sentences.



This section is based on a common understanding of the text and its styles. Particular attention should be paid to:

- the main idea of ​​the text;

- composition of the text;

- The relationship between parts of the text;

- topic;

- a problem posed by the author;

- the position of the author regarding the problem;

- the wording and argumentation of their own position.


Identify gaps in your training, give them increased attention.


Allow time for practical exercises. Get control tasks in the store, or find them on the Internet. Engage in each of the sections separately, but periodically train in writing the entire exam. When doing tests, give yourself grades.

ege Russian plan