How to make a lecture plan

How to make a lecture plan
How to make a lecture plan

Video: Preparing My First One Hour Lecture | PhD Student 2024, July

Video: Preparing My First One Hour Lecture | PhD Student 2024, July

For the lecture to be held at a high level, you must have a plan. Because, before you start to say something to the audience, you need to clearly imagine what to say, in what order, etc. A plan-summary or plan-theses can help in solving this issue. It should reflect the thought of the lecturer, his desire to convey new knowledge to the audience, to intensify the activities of students, to help absorb the material.

Instruction manual


The first thing you have to do is to clearly articulate the topic. It should be clear and specific. Based on the topic, think over the structure of building a lecture plan. Each lecturer defines the structure in different ways. It depends on his personality, interest, his desire to work and on the preparedness of the audience. A different topic should not always be presented equally to different audiences. You can draw up a plan or abstract. Each lecturer himself must decide what suits him best. Not everyone can competently conduct a lecture, based only on the theses. On the other hand, another lecturer does not need a detailed outline.


The next thing worth paying attention to is the goal that should be achieved through your lecture. Goals are divided into: educational, educational, developing, etc.


The next point in the lecture plan is the course of the lecture itself. Here all the actions of the teacher, the methods used by him, the assumptions of how the listener should behave in this or that way should be described.


The lecture itself should consist of three parts: introductory, presentation and conclusion.

The introduction should interest the listener, so you should pay attention to the “catchy” phrases, as well as a certain understatement, forcing the audience to be in a state of attention and internal tension throughout the lecture, waiting for clues, disclosure, quintessence of the topic and answers to all questions. At the same time, the introduction should be short.

The main part of the lecture is its presentation, the topic must be disclosed in it and the goal achieved.

Conclusion - summarizing, brief repetition of the topic, fixing its main points.


Having made a lecture plan, you will not miss the tiniest questions of the topic and the expected course of your presentation to the audience.

Useful advice

When drawing up a plan, it must be remembered that during a lecture no more than four questions should be revealed.

In the plan, you can even outline questions that, in your opinion, listeners can ask you, and prepare for them. Then at the lecture you won’t be misplaced.

The lecture plan should definitely mention equipment, visual aids, which will help students to better and more efficiently perceive the topic.