How to watch movies in English

How to watch movies in English
How to watch movies in English

Video: How to Learn English with Movies (New Technique) 2024, July

Video: How to Learn English with Movies (New Technique) 2024, July

Watching movies in the language you are learning is one of the best ways to immerse yourself in the language environment. For many students of English, starting with a movie is much more comfortable than immediately talking to native speakers. After all, the conversation can not be paused, and the interlocutor is unlikely to provide subtitles to you. Cinema can be stopped at any time, you can listen to the fragment several times. Properly using films in English, you really will not only better understand foreign speech, but also replenish your active dictionary with new words and phrases.

You will need

  • - a film in English (with English subtitles);

  • - vocabulary;

  • - TV + DVD player or computer.

Instruction manual


Position yourself opposite the screen so that it is convenient for you not only to observe the action of the film, but also two other prerequisites are met:

- you should be clearly visible to the articulation of the actors;

- you should be comfortable reading subtitles.


Start watching the movie. While watching, watch the actor’s articulation and try to “catch” the phrase by ear. If this fails, lower your eyes and read the subtitle.


Listen to the dialogue or passage to the end. Analyze if its meaning is clear to you. If you understand what the characters of the film were talking about, you should not revisit the episode again. Do not forget, watching movies in the language is just a preparation for communicating in English in real life, where it will not be possible to press the rewind button. If you understand that the meaning of the dialogue has eluded you, go to the next step.


Rewind the movie to the beginning of this passage. Watch it again, so that you can read all the subtitles in time (if necessary, use the pause button). If you are convinced that ignorance of several keywords nevertheless prevents you from understanding the whole meaning of the dialogue - go to the next step.


Find an incomprehensible word in the dictionary and try to understand the meaning of the entire phrase as a whole. Try to minimize the use of the dictionary, since starting to translate incomprehensible words one by one, it is very difficult to stop. And you will lose the main effect of watching a movie. The benefit will be a little more than reading texts with a dictionary or watching educational TV shows, where the word is followed by its translation.


As an exercise, try to pause the video and repeat after the hero of the film the phrase he said (especially if it contains the word you just learned). Pay attention to pauses and intonation.


Avoid watching English-language films with Russian subtitles. Since the native language is much easier for you to perceive, English becomes the background, and you completely switch to reading subtitles. The less Russian words you see while watching, the deeper your immersion in the language environment!

Useful advice

After watching the movie, try writing a short review of it in English. Try to use the new vocabulary you learned from the movie.

Find a movie website or other English-language reviews and reviews on the Internet. While the effect of viewing is strong - the motivation to study related materials will be high. And such a reading will give you the opportunity to further practice in English!