How to do the training

How to do the training
How to do the training

Video: HOW TO DO THE AXEL || OFF-ICE TRAINING | Coach Michelle Hong 2024, July

Video: HOW TO DO THE AXEL || OFF-ICE TRAINING | Coach Michelle Hong 2024, July

A variety of trainings in our time are an actual method of personal development and growth, and they are especially popular in the corporate environment, due to their team-building effect. Developing new trainings is not an easy task that only an experienced and responsible coach can handle. What good training consists of, how to form it so that it brings maximum benefit to both the trainer and the participants?

Instruction manual


There are a number of criteria that determine quality training. If you do the training, follow them - this is the novelty of the topic, the structure and originality of the presentation of information, the novelty of the tasks and exercises, their clarity and logic, as well as the practicality of each exercise - the participant must understand why he is doing the task of the coach, and he should know that he can apply this knowledge and skills in real life.


The trainer should answer all questions of the participants, and the training itself should take place in a pleasant atmosphere. Training should be in demand, and the personal qualities of a trainer are also very important.


You must be a professional - your skill in public speaking and organizing discussions is important; You should be able to capture the attention of students and give effective feedback to the participants in your training.


Take an active part in the training, do not be an outside observer. You must also be sociable, energetic, artistic and resourceful. Personal flexibility and the ability to negotiate with any participant in the training is important.


Use your potential to the maximum, so that the training goes best. If, after the training, clients experience enthusiasm and emotional recovery, and you experience the same thing, then the training was successful.


When creating a fundamentally new topic of training, ask yourself a few questions - why is such a topic needed, will it be in demand, what is your goal, and what is the purpose of the training? Define the target audience of the training, its fundamental novelty, competitiveness, profitability. Think about how to make the training more vibrant and exciting.


To simplify your task, observe the trainings of other successful masters, and try to build on their scenarios and techniques, creating your own training. Combine successful elements of existing programs, include life games and exercises in tasks for participants.


Try to ensure that each participant can demonstrate their skills and knowledge in training, do not ignore anyone. Give participants productive feedback, determine if the results of the training coincided with their expectations. Develop clear criteria for evaluating training outcomes.