How to make our schools better

How to make our schools better
How to make our schools better

Video: How to fix a broken education system ... without any more money | Seema Bansal 2024, July

Video: How to fix a broken education system ... without any more money | Seema Bansal 2024, July

"We all learned a little bit, something and somehow

"- the immortal words from the poem" Eugene Onegin "can be safely attributed to today, despite the fact that they were written more than 150 years ago. Unfortunately, students of modern schools often do not boast of deep systemic knowledge, and many of them they generally consider the school system to be unviable. However, as you know, without a high-quality education system, the progress of society and its development are impossible. And in this context, special attention should be paid to reforming the school system as the first stage of education, because about the school being laid not only the basics of basic knowledge, but also the very desire and ability to learn. So how to make our schools better?

Instruction manual


Improve the level and qualifications of teachers. Today, insufficiently qualified teaching staff often works in schools, which cannot but affect the quality of students' knowledge. Often bad is not the student who cannot master the material, but the teacher who is unable to correctly present and correctly explain this material.


Improve the technical and information base. At this stage, modern computer classes should become an integral element of the educational process; schoolchildren must learn to work with various computer programs in order to be able to use them in the future to acquire a profession.


Reform the system of relations between students and teachers. It is extremely important to ensure that teachers become friends for schoolchildren, senior comrades, who can always be asked for advice, share their joy or problem. For this, it is necessary to regularly organize joint field trips, recreational activities, meetings during which children and adults can communicate in an informal setting, without the stereotype of “head-subordinate” or “teacher-student”. So each of them will be able to know the other better, understand, become attached; and it will be easier for the teacher to find an approach to the child, and it will be easier, more pleasant and more interesting for the child to learn from an elder who is open to communication.


To upgrade the educational information supply system. It is well known that the more unusual the material presented, the greater the desire of the child to continue to learn. The use of photo, audio and video materials in the learning process, among other things, increases the interest of students, makes each lesson look like an exciting game, the continuation of which children will look forward to.


It will not be superfluous to increase the number of hours for sports in schools, electives, the choice of a profile for each school so that after classes children can spend fun time, at the same time acquiring a useful hobby or even skills for their future profession.

Useful advice

I really want modern children to confidently call the school their second home, a place where you want to come to study; and then, even after many years, come back to see your favorite teachers and remember with warmth in your soul the time spent behind the school bench.