How to pass stress-free entrance exams

How to pass stress-free entrance exams
How to pass stress-free entrance exams

Video: How to Beat Test Anxiety and Take on Exams Without Stress 2024, July

Video: How to Beat Test Anxiety and Take on Exams Without Stress 2024, July

Passing entrance exams is an extremely exciting event in the life of the younger generation. Sometimes this very excitement leads to such a stressful state that even the most successful student at the right time can not remember basic things. To avoid such a stupor is possible and necessary!

Instruction manual


The first thing you need to do to pass exams without stress is to rationally plan your time for preparing for this event. Start exploring the material with the most difficult topics, devoting them maximum time. Simple material can be repeated in the last days before the exam.


Observe the daily routine. The brain works especially actively for about 8-9 hours a day. It is important to arrange 15-minute pauses every 50 minutes of mental work. During a break, a change in type of activity is necessary. In the evening, go for a walk, give the brain the opportunity to "ventilate."


In preparation for the entrance exams, do not break yourself. If it’s more convenient for you to prepare late in the evening, do it at this time. A sharp change in a particular mode can adversely affect the memorization of educational material.


Train your visual memory. Write on sheets of paper the most difficult dates, formulas, definitions and hang them around the room. So they will constantly flash before the eyes, and at the right time will pop up in memory.


Have a good night's sleep on the eve of an exciting day. Be sure to eat on the day of the exam before leaving home. Otherwise, under stress due to a sharp decrease in sugar levels, you may faint. However, do not overeat. Breakfast should consist of dishes rich in carbohydrates and protein (yogurt, cottage cheese, fried eggs). Do not cheer yourself up with strong coffee. It will be much more useful to drink tea with lemon or sugar.


Do not use sedatives, as they contribute to dulling attention and reducing activity, which does not contribute to a success situation. Before leaving your home, apply a little essential oil of peppermint, lavender or basil to your wrists or temples. They have calming properties.


If you have an obsessive fear before starting exams, engage in self-massage. Light massage of the nape contributes to getting rid of it, as well as improving acumen. Relieves emotional stress and impact on the tips of the little fingers.


The exam is a serious enough event. A lot depends on its results. However, do not overestimate its significance. If the points scored will differ from the expected, do not despair, perceiving it as the collapse of all hopes and aspirations. Do not wind yourself up before and during the exam, as excitement helps forget even well-studied information. On the contrary, try to calm down and believe in yourself.

how to easily pass exams