How to pass an exam

How to pass an exam
How to pass an exam

Video: How to Pass Exams in less time | Tips to Pass Any Exam in less time 2024, July

Video: How to Pass Exams in less time | Tips to Pass Any Exam in less time 2024, July

There are many ways to pass the exam. By choosing an individual method, you will achieve excellent results and pass any item, regardless of its complexity. Knowledge of psychological techniques will help to make this not only simple, but also elegant.

Instruction manual


So, consider the types of training. To begin with, determine the degree of importance of the exam, evaluate your knowledge. If you think that this knowledge is not useful to you, assessments are not a priority, and change is needed for a tick, make cheat sheets and make efforts to study another subject. If you go to the red diploma, monitor the cleanliness of the student’s grades, and the subject itself is extremely interesting, sort out the topic.



The methods invented by our great-grandfathers have long been modified and replete with diversity and creativity of the approach.

Paper - accordions (put in a sleeve, pocket, hairstyle and leaf through the palm of your hand with your finger). Cons: require a lot of time to compile. Pros: part of the knowledge settles in the head.

Flags - write answers, hide in clothes, sleight of hand and no triples. Cons: difficult to hide, write a lot, suitable if you can use your paper. Pros: you can learn from them.

Phones - take off lectures, write off on ICQ, as you like, the main thing is to go unnoticed. Cons: a small screen, a difficult question you will not find right away. Pros: tickets are thrown in advance in any volume, compactly.

A headphone is a wonderful thing! Not visible, not heard, and the ticket is answered. The main thing is to find in advance a person who will dictate, give information, come up with a communication system - this is even exciting. Cons: communication may be disconnected, the teacher with keen hearing will quickly stop all conversations. An expensive pleasure. Pros: Having adapted, taking it is simple and easy.

Listing, this method has gained popularity. Print the lectures in small print on paper and hide in trousers, jackets. Cons: the pack is a decent size. You need to remember where the corresponding answer lies. Pros: everything is clearly visible, takes a little time.


A tight study of the subject - the path is thorny, difficult, but guarantees a minimum of 3 points.

1. At the beginning of the semester, find out the possibilities of obtaining an “automaton”.

2. During training, try to understand the subject, understand it. Learn the definitions, the main rules.

3. Note how the material is best remembered: when you rewrite, take notes, speak aloud, listen, read books, look through diagrams, explain to someone.


Preparation usually falls into two periods:

In 1-3 days it is convenient when you grab it on the fly, the subject is not complicated, but in the end only half of the material will be remembered anyway.

2 - 3 weeks for a ticket per day - you can work out each ticket in detail, figure it out, but closer to the change of thought you get confused, and return to the deadline of 1-3 days.


There are always students who do not prepare at all, but pass on good grades. They have their own secrets: they are erudite or can talk a lot and beautifully, charming, have communication, but unobtrusive. To develop such skills, you need months of training, but, nevertheless, we highlight the main points.


Neverbalika. Dress beautifully, let it smell good, smile, keep your back straight, your head proud, give the impression of a man who is light and knowledgeable. Refrain: from twitching, any - it gives out your nervousness, panic will create a bad impression. The teacher will doubt the independence of the work.


Verbalica. Speak loudly, confidently, without rushing. If you read, pause, often raise your eyes. Teacher woman first make an appropriate compliment. Do not joke, do not distract others. For additional questions, ask time to think, you need to remember the lectures. They forgot what they wanted to say, say at least something, ask a clarifying question, show that you just forgot, but there is knowledge.

Useful advice

Determine the preferences of the teacher: likes attendance or activity in pairs, so that they agree with him or find new solutions to problems, hand over work on time.

If he is not in the mood, do not escalate the situation.

  • about verbal methods
  • how to pass an exam ways