How to pass the exam

How to pass the exam
How to pass the exam

Video: How to Pass Exams in less time | Tips to Pass Any Exam in less time 2024, July

Video: How to Pass Exams in less time | Tips to Pass Any Exam in less time 2024, July

To successfully pass the unified state exam, you need to properly prepare for it.

Instruction manual


Preparation should not begin a week before the exam, but a year. Even better - from the beginning of grade 10. In the summer, when you have a lot of time, devote two hours a day to repeating the material you have learned, especially where you feel insecure. So you will not only replenish knowledge, but also come prepared for the new school year, and also quickly enter the working mode. Naturally, when choosing an optional exam, be guided by your future profession. He will be introductory to your specialty.


It is very difficult to independently prepare for the exam. It is better to seek the help of a tutor. An experienced tutor will “teach” you exactly the knowledge that will be useful to you when passing the exam, and will also help you see your mistakes. Be prepared that the entire 11th grade of your daily routine will be home - courses - school.

When you are offered to undergo trial testing, be sure to go. The USE rehearsal will help you feel the atmosphere of this crucial event, as well as understand how much time you need to take to solve problems. A maximum of 1 exam is given for 4 hours. Of these, tasks A and B should take you no more than an hour. Spend the rest of your time on C.


When day “X” comes, take a pass to the venue of the exam, a passport, 2-3 black gel pens, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler. Do not forget chocolate and mineral water.


Having entered the audience, calm yourself, several times take a deep breath and exhale. The main thing is not to worry, because you didn’t waste the whole year, and you have the knowledge.


When they bring the package with tasks and forms, carefully fill in all registration data. After the start of the exam, proceed to solve the tasks. Even if you think you have decided everything you could, sit until the last minute. The correct answer may come suddenly.


If the results were disappointing, or you could not attend the mandatory exam for a good reason, then you have the opportunity to retake it on a reserve day. If both mandatory examinations are not passed, then retake is possible only for the next year. The same goes for optional exams.

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