How to pass anatomy

How to pass anatomy
How to pass anatomy

Video: How to study and pass Anatomy & Physiology! 2024, July

Video: How to study and pass Anatomy & Physiology! 2024, July

The anatomy exam is a serious test for all students without exception. But the right approach to its preparation and confident behavior on the exam itself will become the key to an objective assessment of your knowledge. During the session, learn the material, remember exactly all the names of muscles, bones, nerves and be confident in your abilities, then this exam will be passed perfectly!

Instruction manual


The difficulty in preparing for the anatomy exam is the confusion of the anatomical names. Similar names have veins, arteries, nerves, so remembering and not confusing them, as well as being able to show them on a corpse, is not an easy task. In addition, many names, for example, muscles on the forearm of a person, and there are only 19 of them, consist of 4-5 words that need to be learned in Latin, although it would not hurt in Russian either. Practice shows that almost all students begin to prepare for the exam just before it begins. This is the first and most important mistake, because such a large volume of literature on anatomy is not something to learn and internalize, but you won’t even be able to read it. Therefore, you can’t postpone anything to the session, it is necessary only for repeating the material already studied in advance.


You can make a good impression on the exam if you use anatomical names for various authors. In the entire literature on the anatomy of previous years, the emphasis is on the one who first described this structure. Now in modern textbooks they give only generally accepted names.


Depending on the faculty, there are nuances in both the study of anatomy and its delivery. So, for example, dentists take a shortened course, paying more attention to the anatomy of the head. From this it follows that when passing the exam the main emphasis in the examination of knowledge will, precisely, be placed on this section of the anatomy. Pediatricians pay attention to the age characteristics of the person, therefore, they will also ask mainly for this topic on the exam.


Despite the expressiveness and all the eloquence in responding to the teacher, students often make mistakes. What should be answered at the exam and what should be kept in mind? In any exam question there are necessary concepts and terms that the student must first disclose, and then touch on the main properties and functions. No need to say too much. This annoys many of the teachers, and if necessary, he will ask you additionally.

Useful advice

Each department has its own "magic" words that simply magically affect the examiner. When mentioning such words in your answer, you can significantly increase the favor of the teacher. Therefore, you should think carefully and pick up a couple of "magic words" for yourself.

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