How to solve math exe

How to solve math exe
How to solve math exe

Video: I SOLVED THE 3RD QUESTION IN BALDI'S BASICS | Easiest Baldi's Basics Mod | Baldi's Basics More Maths 2024, July

Video: I SOLVED THE 3RD QUESTION IN BALDI'S BASICS | Easiest Baldi's Basics Mod | Baldi's Basics More Maths 2024, July

The closer the summer, the more schoolchildren begin to think about passing everyone the “beloved” unified state exam, or in short - the exam. No matter how unpleasant it is, but in most cases the future depends on this exam. If the Ministry of Education of Russia does not introduce new changes to the rules for choosing an exam, then mathematics, as before, will remain a compulsory subject for passing the exam. We’ll talk about it now.

Instruction manual


Probably, it’s not worthwhile to remind once again that in order to successfully pass the unified state exam in any subject, you need to constantly and diligently prepare, attend courses, study with tutors, sit at textbooks around the clock and not even go outside. Teachers do an excellent job of this.


Particular attention should be paid to the exam (I apologize for this pun), oddly enough, attention. For many schoolchildren receive insufficiently high points precisely because of inattention.


You should also familiarize yourself with the control and measuring materials. A detailed study in the future will allow you to prevent any mediocre mistake, which can affect the entire result of the exam.


When starting to familiarize yourself with KIMs (control and measuring materials), pay attention to the filling fields, to which pen you need to fill out. Usually teachers give this information in the classroom. There is also intensive preparation for the exam.


Just before the exam itself it is worth getting enough sleep. If you come to the exam with an absent look and bruises under the eyes - this will definitely not improve the results. It is better to have a hearty breakfast in the morning so that during the exam the feeling of hunger does not interfere with the train of thought. If you believe in signs - you can observe some of them. For example, at midnight, shout into the open window "Freebie Catch." This is a student tradition. But, nevertheless, it does not lose its relevance for schoolchildren.