How to develop logical thinking

How to develop logical thinking
How to develop logical thinking

Video: 5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos 2024, July

Video: 5 tips to improve your critical thinking - Samantha Agoos 2024, July

Logical thinking - the ability to reason and draw conclusions - can and should be developed in children from a very young age. The ability to think logically, analyze and draw conclusions will come in handy both in childhood and in adulthood. The development of logical thinking and fantasy leads to the fact that a person begins to think outside the box.

You will need

Board games (chess, checkers, dominoes, etc.), a collection of logical and mathematical problems, pen, sheet of paper, thematic pictures

Instruction manual


Encourage your child to make judgments, evaluate events, make assumptions. Having learned to think logically, the child will begin to act in the same way. Start the phrase, and let the child complete it. For example: "A car can drive because

, "It's warm outside because

, "If you cut your finger, then


Play chess. This game, whose history spans several thousand years, teaches not only to develop logic, but also to develop a strategy, be patient, attentive, guess the opponent’s steps and analyze the situation on the field.


Buy a collection of entertaining tasks. It will be interesting to solve them both for adults and children. In addition to problems on the development of logic, there are also problems with a catch, where the solution that first comes to mind is unlikely to be correct.


Practice making logical chains. Ask your child to draw a circle, square, triangle, and then repeat this sequence of geometric shapes several times. Make sure that the baby does not violate the given sequence.


Pay attention to math games and tasks. Logic and mathematics are closely related, having mastered one science, the child will certainly master the other. Solving problems for compliance, going through mazes, drawing up logical chains also contributes to the development of logic.


Ask the child to arrange in a certain order the pictures that depict the actions of the same characters. It can be fragments of a fairy tale familiar to the kid or just a set of plots in which a clear logical sequence can be traced.


Do not force the child to engage if he is not in the mood. She will postpone solving puzzles and entertaining tasks until the baby has a mood.

Useful advice

Playing puzzle games should be interesting and fun. To achieve this, bring an element of competition to the game. Solving puzzles alone is boring.

  • Site dedicated to the development of logical thinking
  • how to develop logical thinking in children