How to conduct a workshop is interesting in 2017

How to conduct a workshop is interesting in 2017
How to conduct a workshop is interesting in 2017

Video: How to Lead a Successful Workshop | Jack Canfield 2024, July

Video: How to Lead a Successful Workshop | Jack Canfield 2024, July

Seminars are an integral part of the practical work of students at the university. It is necessary for the development of skills such as reasoning, proof of point of view and dialogue. For the teacher, you need to know several important points for holding seminars.

Instruction manual


Create the conditions for a productive discussion between students. A seminar is always held within the framework of a discipline, therefore questions on it are determined by the established lecture material. The task of the teacher is to choose the most interesting of them and discuss at the beginning of the seminar. Thus, students will have a desire to continue discussion of even not the most fascinating of them. Encourage listeners to ask questions to the speaker.


Ask students to comment on a problem. During the seminar, everyone should take an active part. After covering a question or material, ask everyone who thinks about it.


Conduct a workshop in the form of a game. This is another way to diversify simple coverage of scientific issues. Use the game "court", which can be represented by the process of a scientific author (problem). Hand out to everyone the roles of prosecutor, lawyer, investigator, judge, witnesses. The rest of the students in the role of jurors will have to pronounce a sentence at the end of the lesson. This is very exciting for students, since each of them comes to defend their point of view.


Deploy multimedia devices. Nowadays, the development of computer technology, it is simply unforgivable not to use them in seminars. For example, put a film, presentation or video on the seminar issue. Ask everyone to comment on what they saw in terms of what was learned.


Bring memorable stories from the life or experience of great people. Students react very poorly to complex monotonous scientific speech. It is much easier for them to remember simple everyday stories that are confirmation of facts in practical experience. If you have to explain some points of the seminar, tell the stories from the life of famous politicians, athletes, philosophers, etc. This method will diversify the workshop.