How to make a presentation on Knowledge Day

How to make a presentation on Knowledge Day
How to make a presentation on Knowledge Day

Video: Nonfiction Readers Grow Knowledge - Day 1 review and read aloud 2024, July

Video: Nonfiction Readers Grow Knowledge - Day 1 review and read aloud 2024, July

Knowledge Day is an unforgettable event and a great holiday for any student. It can be not only fun, but also quite useful for children. Timed to September 1, the presentation will help them tune in to hard work in the new school year.

You will need

  • - computer;

  • - projector and screen;

  • - PowerPoint application;

  • - materials for presentation.

Instruction manual


Get all the necessary equipment. In preparing the presentation you will need a laptop or personal computer, a projector with a screen. With the help of this equipment you can conduct a colorful and modern demonstration that students will definitely enjoy.


Install the appropriate software on the computer. To create a presentation, you will need the Microsoft PowerPoint application. First study his work. The presentation includes various slides that follow each other and show images or videos with specific text.


Think about what you will dedicate your presentation to. You can simply tell why the Day of Knowledge is so important, how this holiday came about. An interesting move can be a demonstration of photographs from the school years of parents and teachers to show how this holiday went in the past.


Show students and their parents what has changed recently in school. Tell us if there are changes in the composition of teachers, what new subjects have appeared that students will study in the new school year. Show off new textbooks that children will need to purchase. If you plan to prepare for the final exams, add a schedule that demonstrates which courses and when they will take.


Add an entertaining moment to the presentation. You can agree in advance with the students so that they transmit the photos and videos that they took in the summer. Try a show called How I Spent the Summer. At the same time, students can take turns to go to the screen and tell how their holidays went, what interesting events happened to them. Based on the results of the performances, select the class of the student who spent the brightest and most memorable summer as the whole class.