How to hold a pedagogical council

How to hold a pedagogical council
How to hold a pedagogical council

The Pedagogical Council is one of the self-government bodies in a preschool educational institution (DOE). Its implementation is preceded by thorough preparation, which involves several stages.

Instruction manual


First of all, add all the pedagogical advice to the annual plan. They should be dedicated to solving the annual problem that is being implemented at the current time (thematic pedagogical councils). An unplanned pedagogical council is allowed if the situation in the institution requires it.


To conduct a pedagogical council, the head of a preschool educational institution must issue an order in which he prescribes the stages of preparation and appoints those responsible.


Carefully consider the goals and objectives of the pedagogical council. It is unacceptable to set many tasks, as this will negatively affect the quality of work. The goal setting should be consistent with the current annual objective.


In addition, draw up the agenda of the pedagogical council. The points discussed should not be many, since a large number of questions will not allow to work out important points in a qualitative manner. Also, too voluminous information will quickly tire the council members, which will also reduce the effectiveness of its holding.


In addition, set the time limit for presentations on agenda items. On basic issues, 10-15 minutes are given, for discussion - 5 minutes. To keep a protocol of the pedagogical council, a secretary is appointed from among the teachers. He must also monitor compliance.


Conducting a pedagogical council always start with a small report on the implementation of the decisions of the previous council.


To solve the problems of the pedagogical council, conduct thematic control. It will help to identify the state of affairs on this issue, see possible shortcomings in the work and outline ways to address them.


At the end of the pedagogical council, a draft resolution should be issued. By general vote, the project is accepted for implementation. If necessary, amendments and proposals are made to it. The finished decision is posted for review of all employees of the kindergarten. Thus, the transparency of the decisions made is ensured.


According to the results of the pedagogical council, the head of the preschool educational institution should also issue an order on the results of the event.

Useful advice

For more successful assimilation of information by teachers, use technical equipment (for example, to demonstrate graphs and tables).