How to spend an open day

How to spend an open day
How to spend an open day

Video: Open Day: 16 Sept 17 2024, July

Video: Open Day: 16 Sept 17 2024, July

Do you want as many people as possible to get acquainted with the work of your institution? The best thing in this situation is to spend an open day so that everyone can come, see what you are doing and get answers to his questions. An open day can be held at any institution. True, in order for it to be effective, it is necessary to properly prepare for it.

Instruction manual


Think about which types of activities are most characteristic of your institution. Better if they are spectacular. If you are planning to spend an open day at a school or university, select a few subjects for open classes. It is better if this is not a lecture, but, for example, a laboratory work or a lesson in a creative circle. For an open day at a sports school, select the most spectacular sports.


Pick up visual agitation. For an open day at the children's home, you can prepare an exhibition of children's works. For a sports school, this can be an exhibition of cups and letters, a photo exhibition on the success of students in various sports competitions. You can use both computer presentation and videos. Just keep in mind that the open day is primarily distinguished by the fact that it goes on long enough. Therefore, it is better to prepare several films and several presentations so that they can go on continuously.


Think over the program. It should include several classes. It is better if creative classes or trainings will go sequentially. But you can conduct several classes at the same time, especially if you expect a large number of visitors. Not all of your guests will come to you for the whole day, some will just drop by and see what is interesting to them, looking along the way to the neighboring class.


The program may include a general meeting for all guests. The main thing is that it should not be long. The head of the institution can talk about what your organization does and answer the most frequently asked questions.


You can conduct a tour. Prepare a few classrooms. Pay special attention to those where the most modern equipment is installed. It can be shown in action. For example, it is very good if students will study in a new computer class at the time of the tour. Ask the teacher to prepare and tell how this equipment is better than what it was before, and what new opportunities it provides to students. Pupils can tell about what the new class is good for.


Arrange a kind of consultation point. There may even be several. Everyone can come to these points and ask a question. Of course, the employee who will be at the consultation point should be well trained. It is very useful to prepare memos and booklets that talk about the activities of your institution briefly and clearly.


Prepare some demo points. For example, in the house of children's creativity, you can arrange a fashion show of clothes made by participants in the corresponding circle. For a music or dance school, this could be a concert.


Take care of advertising. As a rule, an open day is a non-profit event, so there should be no problems with newspaper advertisements. But you can use modern resources - for example, to advertise on a city forum or on a social network. You can post ads around the city and invite students and staff to invite their friends.


You should not talk about the problems that your institution may face during an open day. If you have been asked the appropriate question, try to answer it so that the questioner understands that there really are difficulties, but they are dealt with in the organization.