How to just make your voice beautiful

How to just make your voice beautiful
How to just make your voice beautiful

Video: How to Find Your Natural Singing Voice - 5 Easy Steps 2024, July

Video: How to Find Your Natural Singing Voice - 5 Easy Steps 2024, July

A voice can be called a calling card of a person. It can be expressive or monotonous, low and deep, or high and loud. The voice is closely connected with our emotions and often gives out our state to the interlocutor.

With the help of special exercises the voice can be "educated", develop its natural qualities, make strong and beautiful.

Instruction manual


The basis of a good voice is deep breathing. Any respiratory gymnastics will be useful: classic three-phase diaphragmatic breathing, breathing according to K.P. Buteyko, paradoxical respiratory gymnastics A.N. Strelnikova and others. The main thing is the regularity of breathing exercises.


After breathing exercises, several exercises can be done to relax the lower jaw and pharynx.

Open your mouth, put your fist under the chin and shake it slightly, making a soft “E” sound. This exercise will remove clamps and tension from the lower jaw, allow it to move freely. Then open your mouth wide several times, imitating a yawn. It is possible that you will want to yawn for real. Yaw in your mouth. This is a very useful exercise that trains the jaw, soft palate and pharynx.


After articulation exercises, we proceed to the “tuning” of the voice. Yawn again, but now with his mouth closed. The lips are rounded, tightly closed, the teeth are open. Catch the feeling of a "rounded mouth." You can imagine that you have hot potatoes in your mouth, you are afraid to get burned, and therefore you maintain this rounded position. And now “turn on the voice” - start pulling the “M” sound for a long time. Try to direct the sound of your voice into the sky. And pull, pull the sound while breathing is enough. When breathing ends, take a breath and sing "MMMMMMMM" again. To enhance the sensation of the sound of the voice, add vibration: while "mooing" with the fingertips of both hands, pat on the lips, cheeks, forehead, crown, then - on the chest, stomach, back. In this case, try to "direct" the voice to that part of the body that you are currently patting. The duration of this exercise is 3-5 minutes.


Read aloud your favorite poems, tongue twisters. At the same time, imagine that you are experiencing various emotional states: joy, sadness, anger, surprise, irritation, etc. Change your voice in accordance with these emotions.


You can "play" with your voice, changing its strength. To do this, utter a tongue twister of 4-5 words, amplifying the voice from word to word (the first word in a whisper, the second a little louder, the next even louder, and shout the last word).


Say the phrase "I love ice cream" several times, answering the questions of an imaginary interlocutor: Who loves ice cream? Do you like ice cream? What do you like? At the same time, highlight the word-answer with your voice.


Practice your oral exhalation. It will also help keep your voice strong. One can read aloud several quatrains several times, pronouncing each line on the exhale, then two lines, and finally, read the whole poem on one exhale.


Voice exercises will bring greater effect if you do them in a company. At the same time, the voices seem to “attach” to each other. So look for a team of like-minded people, do breathing and voice exercises together, and soon you will certainly hear in your address: "What a pleasant voice you have!"

Useful advice

In some cases, voice deficiencies (weakness, hoarseness, monotony) are associated with problems with the vocal apparatus. In this case, it is useful to turn to specialists - a speech therapist, phonologist, a phoniatrist, in order to improve your voice with their help.