How to enter abroad

How to enter abroad
How to enter abroad

Video: Best countries to study abroad for free ✈️🌎💸Budget-friendly study abroad destinations 🌈💰✨ 2024, July

Video: Best countries to study abroad for free ✈️🌎💸Budget-friendly study abroad destinations 🌈💰✨ 2024, July

With the fall of the Iron Curtain, studying at a foreign university has ceased to be something inaccessible for Russians. Depending on the specific country, it can be quite expensive, but there are also those where students from abroad are taught for free. Although this, of course, does not negate the cost of travel, textbooks, accommodation, meals, medical services.

You will need

  • - the passport;

  • - education document;

  • - money to pay for tuition;

  • - A package of documents for a student visa, depending on the requirements of the consulate of a particular country.

Instruction manual


First you need to choose the country where you would like to study for one reason or another, the profession you would like to get, and the educational institution where you can do this. It will not be superfluous to compare several options to choose the most suitable for the price and quality.

You can seek help from a specialized agency for studying abroad. But nothing prevents to carry out this work on their own. Any self-respecting foreign educational institution, as a rule, has a website with all the necessary information. Many countries have specialized organizations involved in attracting foreign students and also have websites, some even with the Russian version. They can often assist in the diplomatic representation of the country of interest in the Russian Federation.


If you decide to use the services of the agency, you will only need to bring there the documents necessary for the educational institution, and then - to apply for a student visa, if any.

If you decide the issue yourself, you will have to contact the selected university. For example, send a request by e-mail, preferably in the language of the respective country. But it is possible in English, and in some cases, Russian.

Also discuss the conditions under which you may be offered campus (student dormitory) accommodation or other options.


If you do not know the language in which you will be taught, or do not know it well enough, you will have to pull it up. This can be done both at home and abroad, including courses at the selected educational institution. The condition for admission is often a certificate of language proficiency not lower than a certain level.

For example, TOEFL or IELTS in English.


Provide the university with the necessary documents translated into the language of its country of residence or English. Entrance exams may be provided in some countries, but often they are not required.

You can’t do without a school certificate or other education certificate, your passport may be required.

Then pay the necessary services for the invoice.


If there is a visa regime between Russia and the country you are interested in, you will have to apply for a student visa. The requirements for the package of documents at each consulate are different.

But in general, they want to see confirmation that you paid for tuition and accommodation, you are enrolled in the course, you have medical insurance for the duration of the visa and money for living in the country. The amount and methods of confirming its availability (bank statement, traveler's checks or otherwise) must be clarified at the consulate.

If a student visa gives you the right to work, you should not advertise your intention to use it.

With a ready-made visa, you must arrive in the country in due time and start your studies.

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