How to enter a military institution

How to enter a military institution
How to enter a military institution

Video: An Inside Look Into The Philippine Army Officer Candidate School 2024, July

Video: An Inside Look Into The Philippine Army Officer Candidate School 2024, July

Recently, the military profession has become more and more prestigious. There is a constant trend of increasing wages for the military and updating weapons and military equipment. Many young people wanted to connect their lives with officer pagons and defend their homeland. So how to enter a military institution?

Instruction manual


You can enter a military institution if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation and have a secondary vocational, as well as a secondary or complete general education. If you just graduated from a school or college and did not have time to do military service, then you can enter a military institution from the age of 16. But remember that 22 years is the age limit for admission, inclusive. If you managed to serve the Motherland, then the age level rises to 24 years inclusive.


Write a report (application) for admission to a military institution. Based on this report, you (the applicant) will be eligible for preliminary selection at the military commissariat at the place of residence. After passing the preliminary selection, you will be asked to undergo a professional selection and a medical commission.


Supplement your report (statement) with a characteristic from the place of work or study, a copy of the document on education, an autobiography, and three photographs. A passport, military ID, as well as an authentic document on education are provided by the applicant to the admissions committee of the military educational institution upon arrival.


After arriving at a military institution, you will be asked to repeat the entrance tests, during which you will be tested in general education - you must pass the exams in Russian, literature, mathematics and physics; physical training - running, pulling up, and also go through an interview with a psychologist who will determine your individually psychological qualities. If all the tests are successfully completed, you will be enrolled in a military institution. For more detailed information on issues of interest, before entering a chosen military institution, you should contact him and find out more and more in detail.