How to enter the Suvorov Military School

How to enter the Suvorov Military School
How to enter the Suvorov Military School

Video: Suvorov Military School 360: Daily life of a Russian army cadet 2024, July

Video: Suvorov Military School 360: Daily life of a Russian army cadet 2024, July

The order of admission to the Suvorov schools of Russia is established by orders of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, and is also regulated by the regulatory documents of a particular educational institution. All normative legal acts define persons who are eligible to enter these educational institutions. It should be noted that admission can be made on a competitive basis and on a preferential basis.

Instruction manual


In order to enter the Suvorov School, it is necessary to comply with a number of physical and psychological characteristics, as well as pass the necessary documents and pass the entrance exams.

If your child graduated from grade 4 in the year of admission (this threshold has been set since 2011), wants to go to the Suvorov School, then you need to contact the school of your choice (admissions committee). They will help you to make a statement and explain what documents are required to be provided. This can be preliminarily done at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence, especially if the school is far from you.


Documents must be submitted before June 1. The list of documents is impressive, so you should immediately check with the selection committee which documents and in which form (original, copy) you need to provide.


After passing all the documents and recognizing the child as fit for training in a military institution in the first half of July of this year, he will need to pass exams in mathematics (control), Russian language (dictation) and pass a test for psychological and physical readiness.


For admission you need to score a set number of points.


At the end of the tests, all candidates who successfully passed them, recognized as fit for their physical and mental characteristics, are credited to the educational institution by order of its head.


This is the so-called general order of receipt. For a number of categories of children there is a preferential procedure for admission. For example, orphans, children without parental care are enrolled without exams, the results of the interview and medical indications will suffice. A number of children of military personnel are enrolled out of competition according to the results of examination tests. The order may change, so before deciding to go to an educational institution, you should consult the selection committee and the military registration and enlistment office.


It should also be borne in mind that when evaluating documents, passing entrance tests, all the achievements of the child are taken into account in aggregate, so provide along with other documents honorary certificates, awards and other documents indicating the level of development of the child.

what documents for suvorovsky