How to enter an Islamic university

How to enter an Islamic university
How to enter an Islamic university

Video: How I got accepted into the Islamic University of Madeenah | The Amazing Qadr of Allah 2024, July

Video: How I got accepted into the Islamic University of Madeenah | The Amazing Qadr of Allah 2024, July

From the nineties on the territory of Russia began not only the revival of religious life, but also the development of appropriate education. For example, those who wish received the opportunity to get an education at one of the Islamic universities.

You will need

  • - the passport;

  • - certificate of passing the exam;

  • - certificate of graduation;

  • - funds for tuition (upon admission to a paid department).

Instruction manual


Choose the Islamic university you want to attend. The most famous of them is the Russian Islamic University, located in Kazan - The Moscow Islamic University was also opened later - You can choose the one that suits you navigating the Internet on the sites of educational institutions.


Decide which faculty you want to attend. Usually, in Islamic universities, training is carried out in two main areas. The first and main is the training of future religious figures and teachers of Islam in secular and religious educational institutions. It is taught at the faculties of theology or Islamic sciences. The second direction trains specialists in knowledge of the languages ​​of Islamic countries, mainly Arabic. In this case, the preparation is similar to that given at the linguistic faculties of secular universities.


Having chosen a university and specialty, find out the deadlines for submitting documents and the requirements for applicants. If you receive your first higher education, you will need to pass the exam, usually these are examinations in the Russian language and literature. People with higher education are usually admitted for university entrance examinations.


Submit documents for admission to the allotted time for this. If necessary, pass additional exams. Most likely, you will be invited to an interview, where you will need to confirm your Muslim religion and answer a number of questions related to this religion.


If you pass the exams, you can be enrolled in a university. When gaining a passing grade, you can qualify for training at the expense of the budget.


At an Islamic university, not only young men, but also girls can study. For example, in Kazan they are accepted for all specialties. However, for religious reasons, groups are usually divided by gender.