How to enter a foreign educational institution

How to enter a foreign educational institution
How to enter a foreign educational institution

Video: How To Get Accepted into U.S. Colleges! (For International Students) 2024, July

Video: How To Get Accepted into U.S. Colleges! (For International Students) 2024, July

Studying at a foreign university can be a good start for a career. Thousands of applicants, including from Russia, are striving to get into good universities. But many are not only afraid of the high cost of training, but also the documents that will need to be collected, the uncertainty of how to act for a future student.

Instruction manual


About a year before admission or earlier, you need to decide on a university or other educational institution. Usually, parents send adults already overseas, but often students also have to go through the process of registration in a foreign educational institution. In any case, the choice of institution must be approached very carefully. You should study faculties and programs of universities or schools, the number of students, the student housing system, find out in which city the educational institution is located. Filter out those universities or schools that do not like, do not fit your requirements or the cost of training.


After choosing several educational institutions where you intend to apply, check all the requirements for foreign applicants. They may differ from the usual requirements for their students when enrolling. As a rule, for foreigners it will be necessary to open an account confirming the ability of parents to pay for tuition. In addition, it will be necessary to present an international certificate of language proficiency, as well as often a document on taking additional courses before starting university education. The fact is that the Russian school certificate is not accepted in some countries as a document on secondary education.


Pass the language exam required for admission to the institution. For training in English, IELTS or TOEFL may be required, in German - TestDaF, in Spanish DELE. Each university announces a specific language proficiency test, you need to know in advance which one. You should carefully prepare for the exam, even with a good knowledge of the language, it is better to know the specifics of each exam in advance and clearly follow all the instructions when passing the instructions in order to guarantee a high score.


Collect the documents for admission. All documents and copies must be translated into the language of the country where you are going to study, and be sure to notarize. To apply to the university you will need: a copy of the certificate, diploma of higher education or an extract from an educational institution about incomplete higher education. If a certificate or diploma is not yet available at the time of filing, you need to request an extract from the sheet with the grades. Language test results with passing scores. A letter of recommendation or even a few letters from teachers or the school principal - they must also be translated into a foreign language. Autobiography - that is, your own biography with a description of achievements, awards and victories. May not be required upon admission to undergraduate or school. Next, you will need a completed questionnaire on the university website or printed out and confirmation of the financial solvency of the parents.


Now all that remains is to pay for a semester or the entire year of study at the university and get a visa. The minimum amount of payment can be found on the university website. The visa should be obtained as soon as possible, in many educational institutions only after receiving it the student will be allocated a place in the hostel. However, not all students live in dormitories. For some, parents rent apartments or find a host family in whose house a new student lives. It is especially important to place foreign students in the families if they have not reached the age of majority of Europe, which is 21 years old.


Scholarships are rarely paid to foreign students, and the cost of training for them is usually higher than for their students. However, in countries where the system of free education is preserved, it is usually free for everyone, including foreigners.

Useful advice

Parents and future students decide for themselves what to do if the university does not accept the Russian certificate after school. You can finish the courses in the host country and then pass exams at the university, or you can study at the Russian university for a year or two and after submitting documents for transfer to a foreign university. In this case, passing additional exams is not required.