How to enter graduate school

How to enter graduate school
How to enter graduate school

Video: INSIDE Grad School Admissions - My Experience on an Admissions Board 2024, July

Video: INSIDE Grad School Admissions - My Experience on an Admissions Board 2024, July

When a person is “sick” with his work, wants to study it deeply, develop it, and contribute to science, that’s fine. Such a person can be advised to enter graduate school in order to be able to comprehensively study your favorite topic.

Instruction manual


If after graduation you want to continue to study your favorite discipline, then you need to go to graduate school. To begin with, decide which department you want to study in, choose a specific field of science that is closest to you. Talk to the teacher you see as your supervisor. If he agrees to take you as a student, then discuss what topic you will work on during your postgraduate studies. Express your opinion, be sure to ask the manager what he thinks about this. If agreement is found, then it is time to begin to prepare for admission.


Write an application for admission to graduate school and find out the schedule of entrance exams. As a rule, you have to pass three exams: philosophy, a foreign language and a special subject. Regarding the special subject, you need to talk with your future supervisor. He will provide you with a list of topics and questions, tell you what sources to use to prepare for the exam. Approach this with all responsibility - this is your specialization, and you should not know the subject superficially. Read as much literature as possible, remember, take notes. Preliminarily ask the leader to “drive” you on exam questions in order to understand for himself the degree of his training.


Go to the teachers of philosophy and a foreign language, find out how the exam will be held. Often in a foreign language exam you will be offered to translate text that is directly related to the discipline you are studying. The text should be read, translated, and then retold its contents in your own words. The teacher will surely ask a number of questions about your further studies in graduate school, therefore it is better to prepare an answer to the most common questions beforehand. In philosophy, you will have to remember the course that you taught while studying at a university. The exam takes the form of a conversation: you need to briefly describe the schools, the currents of philosophical thought, and name the main works of the greatest philosophers. If all the exams passed successfully, then you can be congratulated on receiving the status of "graduate student" and wish you success in the scientific field.