How to go to the dentist

How to go to the dentist
How to go to the dentist

Video: Is It SAFE To Go To The Dentist During Covid | What To Expect 2024, July

Video: Is It SAFE To Go To The Dentist During Covid | What To Expect 2024, July

The dentistry profession always remains popular and in demand. Every year, hundreds of graduates stormed medical schools with the hope of entering the dental faculty and becoming a professional with a capital letter. Unfortunately, not all dreams come true. What pitfalls await you on the path to mastering the profession of dentist?

You will need

Certificate of school graduation, certificate of exam or State Examination, application for admission, medical certificate, photographs.

Instruction manual


Test yourself for suitability in this profession. Such a test can be passed by a school psychologist or by independently searching for the necessary material. The dentistry profession requires a lot of attention, perseverance, sociability, stress resistance, the ability to sympathize with people. Do you possess all these qualities?


Start attending preparatory courses or hire a tutor a few months before admission. Competitions for dental faculties are quite high, so you need to prepare in advance. Subjects to which special attention should be paid: biology, chemistry, Russian language and physics.


Submit an application for admission to one (or several, for insurance) from medical colleges or universities at the Faculty of "Dentistry". The deadline for accepting applications is set by the educational institution. For admission, you will need documents such as a certificate of education, a certificate with the results of the exam (if you enter after grade 11) or the State Security Inspectorate (if you enter after grade 9), a medical certificate of the established form, and several photos.


Do not be discouraged if you do not go through a competition to a university, start your career with the profession of a dental technician, which can be obtained at a medical college.

Work intensively in chemistry and the Russian language for college, you will have to write a dictation and take an oral exam in chemistry.


Try entering college after medical college. If you graduate from a specialized secondary school with a diploma, then when you enter the institute you will have to pass only one chemistry exam.

Entrance examinations for admission to the dentist in different universities may be different, but mainly chemistry, biology, Russian language and physics.


Be prepared for painstaking hard study for five years at the university, because the profession of a dentist is quite heavy and responsible. From the 2-3 course, the future doctor begins to practice on mannequins, then undergoes practice as an assistant to the dentist.

Federal portal "Russian Education".