How to put sound w

How to put sound w
How to put sound w

Video: YouTube Audio Problems! (The Sound Works If You ONLY Put On Headphones) 2024, July

Video: YouTube Audio Problems! (The Sound Works If You ONLY Put On Headphones) 2024, July

To pronounce the sound "w" correctly, the tongue must perform subtle and complex movements. To train the correct direction of the air stream and tongue movements, there are several exercises that can conditionally be divided into groups. These are exercises for the lips, for the tongue and for producing an air stream.

Instruction manual


Smile, revealing the upper and lower teeth, and hold this position for 5 seconds. Stretching out your lips with a tube, without the voice, utter the sound "y". Opening your mouth so that between the upper and lower teeth a distance of 10 millimeters is obtained, imitate a smile, raise your upper lip and wrinkle your nose, then lower your lip into place.


Keeping your smile position, lay your relaxed tongue on your relaxed lower lip. Blow with a stream of air, forming a groove in the midline of the tongue. The next exercise is to lick the upper lip from top to bottom with a relaxed tongue. Bend the tip of the tongue to the nose. If this does not work out, first practice licking the upper teeth from right to left, and then to the very upper lip.


Keeping your lips in the “smile” position, open the upper and lower teeth by 10 millimeters. Place the tip of the tongue over the upper teeth. Start making the sound "c". The resulting sound should resemble the hiss of exhaust air. Blow through tight lips. Control the exhaled air stream by holding a strip of paper or a piece of cotton wool to your mouth.


Pull your lips forward with a tube and for a long time blow on the ball, trying to push it forward along the aisle formed from two rows of matches. Smiling and putting the edge of the tongue on the lower lip, blow the fleece to the opposite side of the table. Make sure that the lip does not stretch on the lower teeth, and the cheeks are not pouting.


Smile, open your mouth and place the tip of your tongue on your upper lip. Its edges should be pressed, and a groove should form in the middle. Put a fleece on the tip of the nose and start blowing it off. It will fly up provided that the air goes in the middle of the tongue.


Standing in front of the mirror, stick the tongue between the lips so that with its wide edges it fits against the corners of the mouth, and a longitudinal groove forms in the middle of it. Having brought a vial or test tube to the middle of the tongue, start blowing into it. The position of the tongue will be correct if noise is heard when you bring the bubble to the tongue.