How to calculate exams

How to calculate exams
How to calculate exams

Video: Final Exam Grade Needed (How to Calculate) 2024, July

Video: Final Exam Grade Needed (How to Calculate) 2024, July

No matter what they say about the pros and cons of the USE, nevertheless these are the realities of our time with which we need to live. If you have already passed the exam, then you probably know how hard it is to wait for the results and how you want to try to understand yourself what points you should count on. But how to calculate these points?

Instruction manual


Understand for yourself that when calculating points for correctly completed tasks, you are not dealing with those points that you will be credited with in the certificate of USE results, but with the primary one.

They are calculated for each subject in different ways. For example, in Russian, one point is awarded for each correctly completed task in Part A, where you need to choose one of the four possible options. There are thirty tasks in this part. Thus, you can get as much as thirty primary points for part A.

Next to the primary point, add points for Part B, where you will receive one point for tasks from the first to the seventh. But for the correctly completed task B8 you can add from one to four to the primary point. It all depends on how many correct artistic and expressive means in the text you were able to determine. But keep in mind that in this part you will need to formulate the correct answer yourself. In total for Part B, you can get eleven primary points.

But for Part C, you can earn immediately twenty-three points, which are set for content and literacy in the essay-reasoning that you write.

Thus, the maximum primary score on the exam in the Russian language is sixty-four.


You may ask: "And then where do those who get a hundred points in the exam come from?" But after all, it was about sixty-four primary points, which then, as a result of complex mathematical calculations, will be transferred on a stobal scale to a test score. These points are considered the results of the exam, which are necessary for admission to a higher educational institution.

These calculations are very complicated. It is worth saying only that the scaling methodology is based on the "political model of Rush."


Each year, the scaling commission also calculates the minimum, or, as they say, passing grade for a school subject. And every year it is different. It all depends on the overall level of the exam results. For example, for the Russian language in 2010, the passing threshold was 37 points. And already in 2011 - 36.


The translation of the primary score into the test one is also different in each year. So, in 2007 for 50 primary points it was possible to get 69 test points. In 2011, so too. That was a good point. But in 2009, 39 points was the minimum threshold, i.e. very low result.

Keep in mind that the points obtained at the exam are not translated into an assessment. In the certificate you will put the grade for which you learned the course of high school.

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