How to get a paramedic certificate

How to get a paramedic certificate
How to get a paramedic certificate

Video: National EMT Certificate & State License! 2024, July

Video: National EMT Certificate & State License! 2024, July

To work as a medical assistant under Russian law, it is necessary to have not only a diploma of secondary vocational education, but also a certificate confirming the qualification of a specialist in a certain field. Such a document can be obtained at a medical school in retraining courses.

You will need

  • - diploma of secondary medical education;

  • - money to pay for tuition.

Instruction manual


Decide in which field of medicine you want to work. For example, in order to be a paramedic in the ambulance team, a special certificate is required, which may differ from the general one in medical matters.


Choose an educational institution where you will undergo a retraining program. Typically, such centers are located on the basis of medical schools, which are in every major city of the country and in some small towns. Training programs in them are standardized, so it is easiest to choose a place of study on a territorial basis.


Find a training program suitable for your level of education and specialty. For example, if you have a nurse diploma, then you can sign up for a ten-month advanced training course. Those who previously received secondary medical education in the field of dentistry will need longer training - for three years.


Collect a package of documents for admission. You must show your medical diploma. At the same time, you do not need to take the exam - this exam is only accepted when you enroll in full, not shortened training programs.


Submit documents for admission to the course. Admission to such programs is carried out after passing an exam on knowledge of the organizational aspects of health care. Questions on this subject are posted on the websites of medical schools. Example tasks from tickets can be found, for example. on the website of the Novosibirsk Medical College -


Take a refresher course successfully. At the end of the training, pass a qualification exam. It will allow you to get a diploma of education and a certificate of a medical assistant with which you can get a job in the specialty.