How to underline words in sentences

How to underline words in sentences
How to underline words in sentences

Video: Microsoft Word 2007 Underline Text or Spaces 2024, July

Video: Microsoft Word 2007 Underline Text or Spaces 2024, July

A complete syntactic analysis of a sentence includes several sequential operations during which it is divided into parts, its members are distinguished, a diagram is drawn up, relations between subordinate parts are described, and descriptive analysis of the sentence is made. Many of these actions are accompanied by graphical markup - separators and part numbers of the complex sentence are placed, and various members of the sentence are emphasized in a certain way.

Instruction manual


Underline the subject in the sentence with one continuous line.


Use the double continuous line to emphasize the predicate.


The complement in the sentence is indicated by a dashed line.


Use the wavy underline to indicate the definition.


Select a circumstance in a sentence by underlining a line of dots and dashes.


In a one-part sentence, emphasize its main member in three continuous lines, although teachers in schools and higher education institutions do not always require this.


Use continuous underscores (including spaces between words) when highlighting isolated sentence members.


Sometimes words can be interpreted simultaneously as different members of a sentence. In such cases, use double underscores corresponding to both members. However, it is better to consult with the teacher in advance - more often they recommend choosing one, the most suitable, definition option for the proposal member.


Do not underline words and phrases that are not members of a sentence - for example, addresses and introductory words. Sometimes teachers require them to be indicated with square brackets or underlined with crosses, and sometimes they simply write the name above (for example, “introductory”).


Unions that, by definition, are not members of a proposal, but are members of separate members or comparative terms, emphasize together with the structure of which they are a part. For example, “reading slowly and thoughtfully” should be fully emphasized with a line of dots and dashes.


Prepositions, like unions, are not members of a sentence. However, underline them along with the noun to which this preposition applies, even if the two words are separated by an adjective. For example, in the phrase “instead of sweet tea”, the dotted line should emphasize the words “instead of” and “tea”.

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