How to write essays on paintings

How to write essays on paintings
How to write essays on paintings

Video: Write an A+ essay about ART in 4 STEPS! 2024, July

Video: Write an A+ essay about ART in 4 STEPS! 2024, July

The question of how to write an essay based on a painting is of interest not only to schoolchildren who have to perform at least two dozen creative works of this kind over the years of study, but also to teachers who are constantly looking for new methods for teaching essay writing. To solve this problem, it is necessary to find out what is the peculiarity of essay descriptions.

You will need

- picture for description

Instruction manual


To begin with, you must understand that any composition is a kind of creative work that "denies" rewriting. When choosing material for writing an essay on a painting, it is certainly necessary to refer to the sources of the actual material, but only in order to form your own idea of ​​the proposed work of fine art.


The Russian language school course mainly offers paintings by Russian artists of the 19th-20th centuries. At the same time, the lower grades "work" with artistic canvases that are simple in composition and color scheme. The older the students, the more complicated the picture - in terms of genre, abundance of details, color scheme and creative manner of the author. Therefore, be sure to first get acquainted with the personality of the artist, the history of the creation of the picture and, if necessary, with the features of the genre: landscape, household sketching, portrait, still life, etc.


Having prepared the actual material, carefully consider the picture and start writing the plan. For younger students, it is enough to note three points: the introduction, in which it is necessary to name the picture, the author and the genre; the main part containing a detailed description; the conclusion, which is the answers to the questions, did you like the picture and why.


To describe a more diverse work of painting, draw up a complex plan, including the following points:

1. The genre of the picture, author, title.

2. From the history of the creation of the work.

3. Who or what is depicted in the picture?

4. The main microthemes.

5. Use by the artist of visual-expressive and compositional means. Compliance with their creative manner of the master.

6. The role of these tools in expressing the author’s position, the idea of ​​the picture.

7. Student impressions, the mood caused by this painting.


The composition of the picture involves knowledge of some concepts from the field of fine art. Therefore, in the work on the plan, repeat or study what is the genre of the picture, composition, format.


When you start writing an essay according to your plan, try not to violate the logic of the presentation of creative material. You can’t start the essay with the phrase: "In this picture I see


"When writing the main part, determine what is shown in the foreground, background of the canvas, which is the background. Specify the small details that are located to the right and left of the center of the picture.


Do not forget to describe in detail the color scheme used by the artist, and its effect on perception and mood.


Try to write the final part of the work so that anyone who has never seen this picture can imagine the mood of the artist, the atmosphere created by him on canvas and would definitely want to get acquainted with the work of the master. Reflect your own emotions or even fantasies at the end of the work, and then your composition will have a logical conclusion.

painting composition plan