How to transfer a child to school from one city to another

How to transfer a child to school from one city to another
How to transfer a child to school from one city to another

Video: Application Writing For Transfer From One Place to Another | Job Transfer Letter Writing. 2024, July

Video: Application Writing For Transfer From One Place to Another | Job Transfer Letter Writing. 2024, July

Sometimes life develops so that it is necessary to transfer the child to an educational institution in another city. The reasons for this decision may be moving, a conflict with classmates or teachers, various family circumstances. The translation procedure consists of several necessary steps.

Instruction manual


You need to get the consent of the school administration to accept your child. If he already lives in a new city, and the school is located at the place of residence, then there should be no problems. But if the institution is not in your area, you may be denied due to lack of places. In this case, visit the district branch of the Department of Education and sign up for a queue. The second option is to rely on the responsiveness of the director and offer to provide sponsorship.


If you want to transfer a child from an ordinary comprehensive school to a lyceum or gymnasium, he will be offered to undergo testing to determine whether he will cope with the increasing workloads. In such institutions, an increased number of lessons and homework. The level and difficulty of the tests will depend on the age of the student and the status of the new school. In elementary school, the child will be offered an interview with a psychologist and teacher. In the middle grades, it can be tested in all school subjects. To get into the senior profile classes, you may have to pass a real exam. In this case, preparatory courses in the same gymnasium can help.


If you have gone through these steps and a new school can accept your child, get a note from the secretary about this. If the institution is private, they will conclude a contract with you. With this certificate or contract, contact your old school and write to the principal with a statement to transfer to another school.


After signing the transfer order, you must issue the student’s personal file, certified by the school seal and the director’s signature and the child’s medical card. If you are transferring in the middle of the school year, take another statement of current grades, also certified. If the textbooks were purchased by the school, hand them over to the library and get a certificate of this. If the city where the child will live is located in a different area, you may need a new medical policy.


Now with a set of documents go to a new school. Based on them, the administration will issue an order to enroll your child. After that, you can start visiting a new educational institution.

  • Translation difficulties
  • what documents are needed to translate about