How to transfer a child to individual education

How to transfer a child to individual education
How to transfer a child to individual education

Video: What is IEP?(Individualized education program) How to set targets in IEP plan 2024, July

Video: What is IEP?(Individualized education program) How to set targets in IEP plan 2024, July

Individual learning is one of the forms of getting school education, which enables the child to learn science at home. This method is resorted to in cases where the state of the baby’s health or certain problems in a regular school prevent him from gaining the necessary knowledge.

Instruction manual


Find out if there is a possibility of transfer to individual education at the school where the child is studying. Some educational institutions reserve the right to refuse, then you will first have to transfer the child to another school.


Wait for the results of the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation. For the child’s case to be considered, it is necessary to take a certificate from the local pediatrician in the clinic where the baby is being served. Having passed the examination, you will receive a consultation of the council with a note on the need for individual training. You will have to take such a certificate annually.


Make a statement addressed to the school principal, where a list of subjects will be indicated and the number of hours allocated for each of them will be indicated. Preliminarily discuss with the school administration and teachers the list of subjects and the number of hours needed to study them.


If you want to change the curriculum by adding more items to the child or increasing the number of hours, then contact the district education department with this question. In the case of a positive decision, be prepared for the fact that you have to pay for these extra hours yourself.


Talk with teachers about the form of education - the child can go to school, at a separate time, or study at home. Discuss your class time in advance. Subject teachers are required to draw up individual thematic plans for subjects - the level of preparation of the child depends on them. Teachers are also responsible for the full implementation of the training.


Make sure that teachers are appointed - request a copy of the order about it. The frequency of certification of the child should also be indicated there. Grades for each subject will have to be recorded in a separate journal, and then transferred to a general journal. The final control of performance is carried out in the form of written tests, testing, etc.


If the child is engaged at home, then parents are required to provide appropriate conditions for the implementation of the educational process (textbooks, notebooks, teaching material, workplace, etc.).