How to translate English text

How to translate English text
How to translate English text

Video: Word Quick Tip: Translate Text Instantly 2024, July

Video: Word Quick Tip: Translate Text Instantly 2024, July

Ignorance of a foreign language sometimes does not exempt from the need to translate texts. For work, study or just for fun, you may need a translation from English. You can do it yourself, provided that you at least know the Latin (English) letters and at least a little understanding of grammar.

You will need

  • - Internet access

  • - linguistic program on a computer

  • - electronic online translator

  • - English-Russian dictionary

Instruction manual


Install a linguistic word-recognition program on your computer. When you hover over a specific English word, options for translating into Russian will appear in a pop-up window. This program will help to translate the text, if it is small. Or if you know a little language, but some words in sentences are unfamiliar to you.


Put the text in the online translator. There are a lot of such free services on the Internet, starting with large search engines and ending with translation sites. But be prepared for the fact that the automatic program will produce as a translation a rather incoherent and inconsistent text, which will have to be developed independently. The exact meanings of some words are best looked for in a regular paper English-Russian dictionary.


Turn to professionals. It can be both translators and English teachers who translate the text for a fee, or volunteers. The latter is better to search on the language learning forums. Many train, improve the language, translating any texts and may very well translate yours.


When translating, keep in mind that in the English language there are a lot of homonyms - words that are written the same way, but have different meanings. Choose the value you need within the meaning of the whole text.

Useful advice

If the text is modern, use the electronic urban dictionary when translating, it contains all the slang meanings and phrases.

english translate