How to print an abstract

How to print an abstract
How to print an abstract

Video: Easy DIY Wall Art Prints ( Abstract + Aesthetic ) 2024, July

Video: Easy DIY Wall Art Prints ( Abstract + Aesthetic ) 2024, July

An abstract, like any written work, must be executed in accordance with certain requirements. In Russia, there are generally accepted standards that determine the procedure for writing essays. In addition, any educational institution has its own recommendations that should be considered when writing your work.

Instruction manual


The font size when writing an essay is selected 12-14 points; Headset Times New Roman, normal; line spacing: 1.5; margins: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, upper and lower - 20 mm each.


There are no dots at the end of the headings. Titles should be in bold. When structuring headings, a font of 16 points is usually used for heading 1, a font of 14 points for heading 2, and a font in italics of 14 points for heading 3. The distance between the headings of a chapter or paragraph and the subsequent text is three intervals.


The structure of the abstract is usually the following:


Introduction (1-2 pages): purpose, objectives, relevance of the topic

The main part (12-15 pages): review of sources, analysis of the studied literature on the topic

Conclusion (1-3 pages): conclusions

Applications (diagrams, tables, etc.)

List of references (sources): 4-12 items, including online sources


When registering the title page should indicate: the full name of the institution; topic name (without quotes); type of work and subject (abstract on the history of fine art); surnames and initials of the student and the head (teacher); city ​​and year of writing the work. The page number on the title page is not set, but is taken into account in the general page numbering.


The text of the abstract, like any written work, is printed only on one side of the sheet.


Links in the abstract are not obligatory, but they do a better job. Links can be made in two ways - at the bottom of the page or in square brackets indicating the source number according to the list of references. It is optimal to indicate 2-8 links in the abstract.

  • What is an abstract
  • course printing