How to master the art of business writing

How to master the art of business writing
How to master the art of business writing

Video: How to write professional emails in English 2024, July

Video: How to write professional emails in English 2024, July

There are certain rules in every area of ​​life. At the inauguration of the president, a man in a sweater will look out of place, at a dinner party you need to use all the cutlery, not just a fork and a spoon. Even writing a business letter must meet certain standards so that it does not cause confusion at your addressee.

You will need


Instruction manual


Write letters on special letterhead. The header should contain information about your organization (name, phone, e-mail, mailing address). In this case, the recipient will be able to contact you quickly.

Leave the fields. Indent on the left should be 3 cm, indent on the right - 1.5 cm.

Use the same font size throughout the entire letter (the optimal variant is Times New Roman size 12).

Number the sheets if the volume of the letter is more than two pages. Numbering is done in the lower right corners.


Decorate the cap as follows. In the upper right corner indicate the position and surname, name, patronymic of the addressee. The subject of the letter is also indicated here. The appeal is drawn up a little lower in the center (“Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam”).


Define the essence of the letter in the introduction. Traditional forms are recommended ("I beg you

", "For your information

", " Our company offers


Expand the content of the request or proposal in the main body. The specifics are important here - figures, facts, statistics.

Summarize in conclusion. For example: "Given the above, I ask you

". It is necessary to articulate your proposal as clearly as possible.


Number and list the documents, if they are attached to the letter.


Make a signature in two parts. The first part: “Regards” or “Sincerely Yours”. The second option is valid only if you are personally acquainted with the recipient.

The second part is your name and position.


Check the letter. It must be understandable, logical; spelling and punctuation errors are excluded.

Useful advice

In a business letter, all derivative pronouns “you” are recommended to be capitalized.

In large organizations, business letters also include the date and number of outgoing documentation. This makes it easier to track the writing path.