How to distinguish genitive from accusative

How to distinguish genitive from accusative
How to distinguish genitive from accusative

Video: Understand the GERMAN CASES - Accusative, Dative, Nominative, Genitive 2024, July

Video: Understand the GERMAN CASES - Accusative, Dative, Nominative, Genitive 2024, July

The cases of the Russian language are a category of a word showing its syntactic role in a sentence. Pupils memorize the names of cases and their signs, that is, questions, but sometimes difficulties arise. For example, when you need to distinguish genitive from accusative.

You will need

Knowledge of the Russian language in the school curriculum, nouns in the accusative and genitive cases,

Instruction manual


In the Russian language there are six cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. To determine the case of a noun, auxiliary words and questions are used. The spelling of the word depends on this. Very often they confuse the genitive (no: whom? What?) And accusative (blame: who? What?) Cases, as the questions to animated objects are asked the same: “whom?”.


Ask a question. If in doubt, ask the noun a defining question: "not what?" (for genitive) and "see what?" (for accusative). If a word takes the form of a nominative case, then in this case it is accusative. For example: a small fish (accusative case: I see what? Fish, you can’t say: no what? Fish).


If you need to determine the case to arrange the endings, substitute the word "cat" or any other, but always the first declension, instead of the noun. Depending on the end, determine the case. For example: pride for the teacher is an accusative case, because, substituting the word "cat" for the noun, we get: pride for the cat. The ending "y" indicates an accusative case. The ending "and" on the genitive.


Analyze the relationship of words in the phrase. The genitive denotes, as a rule, the ratio of part and the whole (a glass of milk), belonging to something (a sister’s jacket), it is used in comparison (more beautiful than a queen). The accusative is used to transmit spatio-temporal relationships (work a week), the transition from action to an object (drive a car).


Use the same methods for non-declining nouns. For example: put on a coat (put on a cat - accusative case), do without coffee (do without a cat - genitive).


The accusative case means the complete coverage of an object by an action, a certain amount (drink milk), and the genitive case means the extension of the action to a part of the object (drink milk).

Useful advice

The inanimate noun in the accusative case does not change unlike the same noun in the genitive case: I saw a house (accusative), there were no houses in the district (genitive)

Page on grammar characteristics of a noun