How to distinguish a category of condition from an adverb

How to distinguish a category of condition from an adverb
How to distinguish a category of condition from an adverb

Video: Common Mistakes with Adjectives & Adverbs - English Grammar Lesson 2024, July

Video: Common Mistakes with Adjectives & Adverbs - English Grammar Lesson 2024, July

For the first time, the category of state in a separate part of speech was singled out by L. V. Shcherba, a famous Russian linguist, identifying its features in comparison with the adverb. The question of the separation of these groups of words into independent parts of speech is still open. A common sign for them is their immutability. To distinguish a category of condition from an adverb, a specific algorithm of actions should be applied.

Instruction manual


Define the grammatical meaning of the word • An adverb denotes a sign of action (ran fast), another sign (very funny), less often - a sign of an object (shoes fit) • The category of state indicates the state of living things (I am happy) and nature (it’s cold outside).


Determine which part of speech the analyzed word depends on. • An adverb depends on a verb (less often on an adjective, another adverb and a noun). He dresses (how?) Warmly. • The category of state is an independent word, ie he is not asked a question from another member of the proposal. I feel warm.


Determine what question the analyzed word answers • The adverb answers the questions of circumstances (How? When? Where? Why? Why? Etc.). He (how?) Smiled sadly. • The category of status answers questions from brief adjectives in the form of a neuter gender (What?) I'm sad (what?).


Define the syntactic role of a word in a sentence • An adverb is usually a circumstance, less often an inconsistent definition • A category of state is a predicate in a one-part impersonal sentence, i.e. in one where there is no and cannot be subject.


An additional feature by which one can distinguish between an adverb and a category of condition is their category: • Adverbs are definitive, characterizing the action or attribute from the point of view of quality, quantity, method of performing the action (well, very, together). Adverbial adverbs serve as indicators of spatial, temporal, causal, target relationships (far, yesterday, rashly, intentionally). A special group is made up of pronoun adverbs (there, there, so.) • The category of condition is formed by the words -o, which are related to short adjectives in the form of the middle gender singular (quietly, early, funny) or not related to them (you can, be ashamed) Also referred to the category of condition are words, from an etymological point of view, associated with nouns that express an assessment of the state on the part of the emotional and moral and ethical (sorry, ashamed, hunting, time).